Each cell organelle and its function!


Organelles and Functions

Nucleolus- Very Dark Stained Structure, Contains DNA used to make RIBOSOMES

Nuclear Envelope- MEMBRANE surrounding NUCLEUS contains gaps called         NUCLEAR PORES throught which MRNA can pass.

Ribosome- used to TRANSLATE MRNA STRANDS into PROTIENS in protien synthesis

Endoplamic Reticulum:

Rough- Ribsosomes attached and is MAIN SITE of protien synthesis, continuous with nuclear envelope consists of flattened membrane bound sacs called cristernae

Smooth- No ribosome attached, MAIN SITE of production and Transport of fats e.g. steroids and hormones

Lysosome- Spherical sacs surrounded by a single membrane containing strong digestive enzymes to break down material

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More Organelles!

Golgi Apparatus- Receives proteins from R.E.R and CHEMICALLY MODIFIES and PACKAGES them into vesicles before secretion by exocytosis

Mitochondria- Site of aerobic respiration in a cell

Chloroplasts- Site of photosynthesis, only found in plant cells

Centriole- Long thin structures used to produce movement, they are made from microtubules

Flagella- Made from microtubules of tubulin and form spindle fibres in mitosis, only found in animal cell

Cell wall- made of long strands of carbohydrate called cellulose and helps to provide structural support in plant cells

Cell surface membrane- Partially permeable barrier that regulates the transport of materials into or out of cells

Cytoskeleton- A branching network of rigid hollow protein tubes provide shape and structure to cell

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