CBT method of modifying schizophrenia


Purpose of CBT.

The main purpose of CBT is to help indiviudals to consider and organise their disorded thoughts and be able to turn these thoughts into more rational ones. The therapy also helps individuals to comply with the medication they are given. CBt helps the individuals to become more aware of the connections between their disorded thinking and thier illness. It also challenges thier interpretations of events by asking them to discuss their beliefs in these thoughts. 

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The symptoms that CBT deals with.

CBT mainly eals with positve symptoms of sz such as delusions and hallunciantions. The therapy also helps indiviudals become more self reliant when dealing with thier illness because they have the strategies and task of challenging their own perceptions.

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First component of CBT. Engagement strategies

The first component of CBT is enagagement strategies and this step provides the chance to talk at length with therapsit about potential worries and symptoms that are of concern to the patient. Dyrung this stage the therpaist will write a rapport and this is important because the idnividual may ahve had negative experience with previous therapists or may have elevated levels of paranoia as a result of the illness. The client and therapsit will discuss any natural coping mechanisms in this stage that will help the indiviudal to control and cope with their symptoms. 

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Second component of CBT. Psycho-education.

This serves three main fucntions. The first is that it decatastrophises and normalises the experience of psychotic symptoms. Second, the client increases thier own understanding of context which their symptoms occur. The third is that the therapist can further access clients understanding of symptoms and illness. 

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Third component of CBT. Behavioural skills trainin

Range of BS can be taught; relaxation, positive activity scheduling, problem solving and distraction. Helps only with coping with symptoms but also any possible secondary symptoms such as anxiety or depression. Problem solving requires the following steps; identifying the problem, generate potential solutions, evaluate alternatives, decide on solution and evaluate the outcome. 

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Fourth step of CBT. Relapse prevention strategies

Identify early warning indicators of relapse. Include clietn identifying thoughts, behaviours and feeling they experience before they become unweel. Asked to assess hwo they got on with others before they got unwell. Develop plans that could be employed where these indicators are observed, including wha client say to friends and family.

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