Case Study; Rural to Urban migration

Case study of rural to urban migration - From the Caatinga to Cities such as Sao Paulo

  • Created by: Niro
  • Created on: 16-06-11 19:34

Rural to Urban Migration -The Caatinga to Sao Paul

Push Factors - No job opportunities/low chances of employment and mainly only in the agiculture industry.

Lack of running water/no fresh water

No electricity

Crop failure

Few amenities

Large scale dams have flooded areas of land

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Rural to Urban Migration -The Caatinga to Sao Paul

Better employment opportunities

Perceived better housing

Better services and amenities (even in favelas)

Opportunity for education

Better access to healthcare

To be near family/relatives who moved there previously

Overall, a better standard of living and improved quality of life

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Rural to Urban Migration -The Caatinga to Sao Paul

Most people leaving the Caatinga region are young males, then females and children, this means that only the elderly are left behind to tend to crops and to keep looking after the farms etc. This in turns make them weaker and more vulnerable to accidents and illnesses and can result in death, which in turn puts the whole of the region into danger as there will be less and less people tending to crops etc.

This migration also has an effect on Sao Paulo also. It increases the pressure on housing and other services such as education and healthcare. Crime rates can also rise and many of the migrants have to live in favellas as accomodation can be expensive.

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