Case studies- The somerset levels flood

  • Created by: Maceyyy
  • Created on: 18-05-18 22:07

Somerset levels flood

Why do the somerset levels flood?

  • The Somerset Levels span an area of around 250 square miles, or 160,000 acres. The majority of this area is below sea level, making the land vulnerable to both tidal and land-based flooding.
  • The two rivers, the River Tone and Parrett, which run through the Levels, have been hit by the downpours in recent weeks, causing them to burst their banks and spill out onto the floodplain.
  • The Severn Estuary is also a problem, as the tidal range in the Bristol Channel is the second highest in the world. High tides cause flood water to back up along the rivers across the Levels and Moors.
  • Because there has been so much rainfall farmland decimated and some people completely cut off, with villages only accessible by boat. Campaigners say these rivers have not been dredged properly in 20 years, leaving farmland and homes without proper defence from the floods, resulting in acres of land being left underwater from the storms which started in December. 
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Impacts of the floods


  • Over 600 homes flooded.
  • Local roads cut off.
  • Bristol to Taunton railway line closed.
  • Residents evacuated to temp. Shelters for several months.
  • Villages such as Moorlnd were cut off meaning peoples.
  • daily lives were affected.
  • 16 farms evacuated.
  • Many people lost power to their homes.
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Impacts of the floods


  • Over 140,000 ha of agricultural land under water for 3-4 weeks.
  • Stagnant wtaer had to be reoxygenated before being pumped in to rivers.
  • Somerset country council estimated the damage to be more than £10 million.
  • Over 1000 live stock were evacuated.
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Impacts of the floods


  • Local roads cut off.
  • A huge amount of debris had to be cleared.
  • Floodwaters were heavily contaminated with sewage and other pollutants.
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Long term responses

  • A 20 year flood action plan has benn drawn up.
  • Uk government promised at least £30 million to help with repairs.
  • The Flooding on the Levels Action Group, FLAG, supported people in need of help.
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Immediate responses

  • Rescue boats were deployed to help stranded people.
  • Extra police patrols in response to reports of crime.
  • Royal Marines were sent in to help with flood relief.
  • The Environment Agency installed giant pumps from the Netherlands to lower water stress.
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