Camera shots

  • Created by: PoppyRas
  • Created on: 04-12-16 15:39

Long shot

To esablish where a scene it taking place


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Medium shot

Shows action in a straightforward way

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Close up

Involves the audience by focusing on something

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Big close up

Shows emotion, builds tension 

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High angle shot

Makes people look smaller and more vunerable (used when the hero is at their weakest point)

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Low angle shot

Makes the villain feel superior and the audience feel weak

(Like the opening scene of the silence of the lambs where Hopkins gets slightly more superior)

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Point of view shot (POV)

Pretty self explanatory, in the point of view of someone.

Typically used in a horror movie. creates tension


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Tracking/dolly shot

Moves with the action could be used in one take movies

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Pan shot

camera pivots around like basketball 

sorta in a linear movement

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Dissolve/mix shot

Creates a dream like atmosphere

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Fade out

Pretty self explanatory 



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Can make the audience feel like they're there. used in awful movies.


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Can make the audience feel like they're there. used in awful movies.


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Can make the audience feel like they're there. used in awful movies.


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