CA Reforms

  • Created by: Leanne084
  • Created on: 28-02-18 15:42

Power of the monachy.

-Monachy should remain but with limitations.

-Louis retained the right to appoint his own minsters, ambassadors and military commanders.

-Granted 25 millions livres - a lot but not enough; can't live AND govern country.

-Striped of significant legislative power; no longer initiated new taxes or laws - CA now did this.

-Had some sort of legislative power ; given suspensive veto - allowed him to delay or suspend laws made by the Constituent Assembly for up to four years.

-The power of the veto would cause severe problems e.g laws were made to protect Paris from the threats of Austria and Prussia but he delayed them.

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Political Rights.

-Universal sufferage dismissed- replaced with law that only male citizens over 25 who paid the equivalent of 3 days unskilled labour in local taxes could vote. 

-People who could vote= active citizens.

-Even then, they could only elect the electors, who would go on to elect the deputy.

-Eventhough this sytem seems unfair it was a good thing as previously barely anyone could vote = could be seen as a major step forward.

-Some political factions opposed the concept of active and passive citizenship ; Cordeliers  wanted direct democracy and universal male suffrage.

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Economic Reforms

-Swept away many upopular taxes e.g tithes and feudal dues, swept away and abolished by the end of 1789.

-State monopolies abolished - mulitple companies can now produce the same product. = benefited bourgeosie ; they suffered effect of customer barries and monopolies
-Tax farming eliminated.

-Reforms came at a major cost to the state.

-2nd Nov, CA nationalised all land belonging to the Church.

-Jan1791 - new tax system - proportional to wealth, included universal land tax which nobody was exempt from.

- This meant the system wasn't completely equal but more equal in comparison.

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Religious Change

-Nationalisation and sale of Church land came with controversy - Saw it as an attack on the church and God, others believed it was redressing the balance after centuries of Church greed and exploitation.

-Some saw that whoever brought this land was seen as being associated with the devil.

-Church provided education and health care for less fortunate - these were closed due to these actions.

-Church put under state control (gov controlled) - seen as a major challenge to the authority of the pope - pope was God's representatitve, only he had the right to appoint priests and bishops.

-All priests must swear an Oath of Allegiance to the CA - if didn't sign = persecution

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Reason that could explain failure of Constituent M

-Actions of a radical minority; they (journalists, extremist politicans etc) attacked the weaknesses of the constutional reform in an effort to advance a republican cause.

-Constituent assembly = failed to give the people of France the constitution they sought, and didn't raise the poor out of poverty.

-Louis = acted in a manner that convinced people he was an enemy ; he tried to flee france to Varennes in June 1791

-War between austria and france.

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The Great Fear (Summer 1789)

- Ideologicallu driven: democracy, end of Aristocratic privillages

- Fighting for revolutionary values and change - a fairer society who cares for everyone.

-Rumour that the nobility were gathering miltia forces to suppress the peasantry, and defend their power.

-The fear created by the rumours triggered the violence.

- = August Decrees- abolished many privallages of the nobility e.g buying of positions = the transformation wasnt sudden but tried to bring about more equality.

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