C3 Food Matters Diabetes

Short revision cards about diabetes

Hope these are useful



People with diabetes cannot control thier blood sugar levels.

There are 2 types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes ussually occurs in childhood and the causes are unknown, it is when the pancreas stops making enough insulin, it is treated using insulin injections.

Type 2 diabetes ussually occurs in middle aged adults and the causes are obesity, poor diet and not enough exercise, it is when the cells in the body no longer respond to the insulin, it is treated through controlling diet and exercise.

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Controlling of blood sugar

The maintainment of the concentration of blood sugar in the blood is very important because:

  • If you have too little sugar in the blood it can cause confusion, unconsciousness and sometimes it can even cause comas.
  • If you have too much sugar in the blood it can cause blurred vision and exahustion.

The hormon insulin controlls the blood sugar level, when there's too much sugar in the blood stream the pancreas produces more insulin, and when there's too little sugar in the blood the pancreas stops producing insulin.

Insulin allows cells to absorb glucose.

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Diabetes risk and benefit

Personal choices, such as eating a poor diet and not doing enough exercise can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. People need to weigh up the risks and benefits of eating a poor diet.

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Assessing risk

People who choose to eat a poor diet, which increases the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes may belive that eating the food that they enjoy is more important than the risk of getting diabetes, or they may not know about the risks of getting it or how serious it is.

It would be a benefit to society for more people to eat a healthy diet because diabetes is a very expensive disease to treat.

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Weighing up the consequences

When weighing up consequences people have to consider:

The risk of contracting the disease,

And the consequences of contracting the disease.

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