Business communication and information systems


Topic 1

Key words

Formal communications- take place using the approved channels of communication

Informal communications- take place outisde tje recognised communication channels

Internal communications- are the systems and methods used to ensure accurate information flow between departments, projects or employees in an organisation

External communications- are the systems and methids used to ensure accurate information flow between an organisation and its customers and other external stakeholders

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Topic 3

Key words

Verbal communication- is the exchange of information between participants using language skills

Non-verbal communications- is the use of facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice and body posture to convey information or to reinforce verbal communication

Qualitative information- is data on individuals opinions tastes and preferences

Body language- is a persons gestures, poses, movements, and expressions. these help a person to communicate

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Topic 4

Key words

E-mail- is a method of sending messages and computer files using the internet

The Inernet- is a worldwide communications system of linked computer networks

Intranets- are internal electronic communications systems linking computers within a single business

Communications medium- is the platform used to deliver a communications to its intended reciever

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Topic 5

Key words

Downward communications- flows from higher to lower hierarchical levels. they are communications from superiors to subordinates.

Upward communications- flow from lower to highe organisational levels. they are communications from subordinates to superiors

Horizontal communications- flow between employees on the same hierarchical level

Qualitative information- is data on individuals opinions tastes, preferences

Quantitative information- is measurable it produces data that can be analysed in numerical form

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Topic 7

Key words

The data protection act 1998- limits the use of an individuals personal data by businesses and sets out princples for storing this information

The information commmissioner- is the appointed officals who supervises the enforcement of the data protection act

A data controller- is a person or organisation that stores personal data

A data subject- is a person whose data has been collected and stored

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Topic 8

Key words

Computer misuse act 1990- definesd crimes arising from inappropriate usage of computers such as hacking, fraud, data misuse and distribution of viruses

The copyright designs and patents act 1988- incldues provisions on the ownership and legality of copying and distrubiting software and manuals

The health and safety (Display sceen equipment) regulations 1992- was introduced to protect employees using computers in their work

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Topic 9

Key words

Work plan- are lists of tasks that are necessary in order to complete a project.

Gantt chart- are a diagrammatic method of scheduling tasks to complete an activity

Critical path analysis- is a method of scheduling tasks so a project can be completed is the minimum anount of time

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