BS1060 extra revision

  • Created by: Zina_
  • Created on: 04-05-18 21:21

what is the difference in osmolality between cytop

  • roughly equal between the two fluids 
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what are the 2 main events that allow us to determ

  • 1) affinity - how well the ligand binds to the receptor 
  • 2) efficacy - how well the binding causes a response 
  • agonists has affinity to bind to receptor and has intrinsic efficacy 
  • antagonist has affinity for the receptor but lacks intrinsic efficacy, presence of an antagonist makes it more difficult/impossible for agonist to work
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how can drug affinity be determined?

  • radioligand binding with saturation experiment 
  • graph relationship between proportion of receptors and ligand concentration until maximum saturation is reached 
  • method tells us about the affinity but not the efficacy 
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how can a drugs efficacy be measured

  • put piece of tissue in a system to keep it healthy and measure a particular physiological property of the tissue 
  • e.g. measure contraction increase with increase in ligand conc, then make a graph of log conc to response curve, measure max response and EC50 value ( effective conc of drug that causes 50% of response), allows us to determine the potency 
  • low occupancy can produce maximum response e.g. Ach only needs to occupy 2% in lungs to cause maximu bronchioconstriction, receptor reserve system 
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