Britain and the French Wars Revsion 1793-1815


Ineffecitveness of the French Amry size and Superi

The Britsh army was apart of a larger coalition including Russians, Prussians, and Australians. 

By 1813 Napolean mustered almost a million men for the Penninsula War against the Britsh - Portuguese Army of little over 100,000. However, he left the Peninsula battles to his generals and were outmatched by Wellington 

Though Napolean gathered a large army for invasion, no full-scale landing was attempted. Two small raids 2 failed. In Ireland, bad weather attempted the troops from landing Wales 1797 a small force was met by British Militia and surrendered after two days 

The Britsh Navy outnumbered the French Navy and deployed ships and manpower in the Mediterranean as far as Egypt, and the West Indies 

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Finanical Strength

Funded the Royal Navy: 

Funded Seven Years War won against France the navy protected Britons maritime trade colonies including Canada Gained control over parts of India 

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Contrasting effects of econmy in britian and franc

Positives: Britain 

Britsh industry grew in coal textiles and iron 

Changes in the way that poor relief was administered helped to alleviate poverty and prevent the disorder the government geared though it did crack down on workers efforts. 

Jane Austen's novels the army and navy generally represented glamour duty and honor 

Negatives: Britain

With the introduction of tax income, food prices rose and so did unemployment with many jobless men joining the army 

In Charlotte Bronte's novel, Shirley depicts the impact of war on a Yorkshire cloth making the community. 

Positives: France 

Cotton exports rose even to Fracnce 

Negatives: France

Trade embargoes imposed by Napolean were as a part of the continental systems were unsucesful and smuggling was rife 

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How far was the success of the Britsh Army in The

Introduction to Wellington : 

  • Commander of the allied forces in the Peninsular War in Spain and Portugal 
  • He was known for paying attention to detail
  • Picking good battle locations 
  • Had a keen eye for slackness 
  • Rather aloof and strict disciplinarian
  • Always made sure his men were equipped
  • 'our fellows are the scum of the earth and it is really wonderful that we should have made them the fine fellows that they are.
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Prelude to the Peninsula War

Napolean Bonaparte had defeated Austria, Prussia, and Russia and considered invading Britain his last major foe. 

Nelsons victory at the Battle of Trafalgar (October 1805) ended hopes of a seaborne invasion of Britain. 

So he decided to turn to the Iberian Peninsula. Spain was his ally but he angered Spanish partiots by replacing Spains King with his brother Joseph 

1807 - French army moved into Portugal to orevent 

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