Body Fluid Sampling


Urine Tests

  • Can be collected by a patient at home, on a visit to a GP's surgery, or in a hospital. 
  • Can be tested chemically - for example to check levels of glucose present.
  • Can be tested for infectious disease agents such as bacteria.
  • Can be used to diagnose kidney diseases, UTIs and diabetes.
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Blood Tests

A blood tests is when a sample of blood is taken for testing in a laboratory.

  • Test done tests are carried at GPs sugery or at a local hospital.
  • Involves pacing a needle attached to a syringe into one of the blood vessles in the inside of your elbow or wrist. Will feel a sharp ***** as the needle goes in but it's not particularly painful.
  • Sample of the blood is taken and needle is removed. Coton-wool is used to put pressure on the site of injection, stopping bleeding and bruising.

Blood - Supplies oxygen to the body's organs, muscles and tissues, & removes CO2. Blood is made up of:

  • Plasma
  • Red blood cells
  • White blood cells
  • Platelets.
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Full Blood Count (FBC)

An FBC is the most widely used blood test and is used to assess your general state of health and to screen for certain conditions, like anaemia.

During an FBC a sample of blood is taken. The amount of different types of blood cells in the sample will be measured. 

  • Low haemoglobin indicates anaemia.
  • High haemoglobin may be due to an underlying lung disease or problems in bone marrow.
  • Low white blood cell count may be due to problems with bone marrow, a virus or cancer.
  • High white blood cell count usually suggests an infection.
  • Low platelet count may be due to virus or autoimmune condition.
  • High platelet count may be due to inflammatory conditions.
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Electrolyte Test

Is used to measure the levels of electrolytes in your blood. This is known as your electrolyte balance.

There are 3 main electrolytes that can be measured with an electrolyte test:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride.
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Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

An ESR test is a blood test used to check whether there is an inflammation in the body. 

The test works by measuring how long it takes for red blood cells to fall to the bottom of the test tube.

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Blood Glucose Test

A blood glucose test is used to help diagnose diabetes and to moniter the health of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, who often have high levels of glucose in their bood.

Reducing the glucose levels is an important part of the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, most people with diabetes wil need regular blood glucose tests.

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An ELISA test is used to check whether you have an infection, such as HIV or an allergy.

The test takes a small blood ample and checks to see if it contains the associated antibody.

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Blood Gas Test

Blood sample is taken from an artery, it's likely to be painful and test will always be carried out in hospital.

It is used to check for two things:

  • Balance fo O2 and CO2 in the blood.
  • Balance of acid and alkali in the blood (pH balance).
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Gene Test

Used when a healthcare professional suppects that there is a specific genetic mutation responsible for a person's symptoms.

Test involves extracting DNA from the blood and searching the sample for the suspected genetic mutation.

Conditions diagnosed this way can be:

  • Haemophilia
  • Cystic fybrosis
  • Sickle cell anaemia
  • Polycycstic kidney disease.
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Chromosome Testing

Also known as karotyping, is a more general test than a gene test. 

Used when gene-related problems are suspected, but the professionals don't know which gene is responsible.

Testing involves taking a blood sample & examining one of the blood cells under a powerful microscope, allowing examination of the chromosomes directly.

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Genetic Screening

Similar to gene testing except it's used in people who have no obvious symptoms. 

It may be offered to people who are thought to be at risk of developing a genetic condition.

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Blood Typing

Blood-typing test is used to identify your blood group.

Blood groups are determined by two specialised proteins, known as antigens, which are found on the surface of the red blood cells.

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Blood Cholesterol Test

Having too many lipids in the blood can have a serious effect.

Blood cholesterol testing is recommended if a person has an increased risk of developing CVD.

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Liver Function Test

A liver function test is a type of blood test used to help diagnose certain liver conditions, such as:

  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Alcoholic liver disease
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Blood Culture Test

Used to check whether there is a bacterial infection of the blood (septicaemia).

Involves taking a small blood sample from a vein in the arm and from another part of the body. Both samples are introduced to nutrients designed to encourage the growth of bacteria. 

If there are traces f bacteria in the blood, culturing should highlight this.

Two samples are needed in cade one is accidentally contaminated by the bacteria that live on the skin.

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Mucus Tests

Mucus can be collected from mucus membranes - in the mouth, throat or vagina. Cells from this sample can be cultured and examined under the microscope for the presence of bacteria or viruses.

This is used for:

  • Amniocentesis
  • Cerebrospinal fluid, lumbar puncture 
  • Synovial fluid
  • Pleural fluid
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