Gender Roles and Sterotypes


Stella Gender Roles and Sterotypes

Sterotyped: House wife - partiachy ruled.

Virgin Mary? Stella Sacrafices her life in passivity... surpressed throughout the play.

"Battered Women": Confroms to the fact a man runs the house hold.

"Stella loves Stanley... and is drawn to his vilitality and sexual charms"

"She subordinates herself to his way of life because they have a satisfying relationship"

"I counldn't beliver her story and go on living with Stanley".

"There's things that happen between a man and woman in the dark- that sort of making everuthing else see, - unimportant".

Submissive character: " I like to wait on you Blanche"

Low confidence: "You never did give me a chance to say much... I just got in the habbit of being quiet around you"

Sterotypical Mother:

- Stands for bringing life to earth, pregant strong connection to image.

- Langland: Eve (unable tor resist apple).

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Blanche: Sterotypes and Gender Roles

Sterotyped : "Southern Bell" , "entraped in the role of bell" plantations: "manor born superiorty"

"adopting the role of [southern bell] as means of literal survival by securing economic and social stability"

Financially unstable: " By comming to New Orleans and placing herself in the mercy of her relatives... Blanche becomes economically vunerable to Stanley".

Reputation as Southern lady risked:

"your sister was one of the places called 'Out Of Bounds'"

Persistent on purity:

Baths as a motif: "But don't you loook at me. Stella no,no,no...not till I've bathed"

Desire to be found attraction (Southern belle obbsession with looks corrosponds)

"Would you thinks its possible that I was once considered to be- attractive".

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