Biotechnology food production

Production of cheese, yoghurt and soy sauce!! yumm yumm x

  • Created by: Grace
  • Created on: 18-05-11 14:37


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1. Pasteurise the milk (heat it up then cool it down)

2. Add lactobacillus (ferments the lactose)

3. Resulting in lactic acid (lowers the pH)

4. Add chymosin, from rennet (can be obtained the GM way)

5. This curdles the mixture and makes curds and whey

6. Drain off the whey and press the curds

7. Add salt (for flavour and preservative)

8. Form blocks then store and age

9. Ready to be packaged 

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1. Pasteurise the milk (heated to 70'C).

2. Lactobacillus is added.

3. Mixture is incubated at 40'C.

4. The bacterium ferments the lactose sugar (lactose sugar naturally found in the milk)

5. This forms lactic acid which lowers the pH and clots and solidifies the yoghurt.

6. Flavours and colours may be added at this point.

7. Then it is ready to be packaged.

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Soy Sauce

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1. Soya beans are soaked then pressure cooked

2. the resulting mash is mixed with flour from roasted wheat

3. Aspergillus is added

4. It is fermented yeast

5. It is fermented lactbacillus

6. Incubated at 30'C for 3 days

7. It is heavily salted and incubated in deep tanks for 3-6 months at 15'C - 25'C

8. Left to age for 4-5 months

9. Solids are filtered off, liquid is collected and pasteurised, filtered then bottled 

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