Biome types

  • Created by: cowsgomoo
  • Created on: 30-04-18 17:22


Soil - Surface has a hard crust caused by alternate wet and dry seasons. Contains few nutrients and tends to be acidic. Hard layers prevent drainage and root penetration.

Vegetation - Consists of grassland with some woodland (baobab, acacia)

Climate - High temperatures throughout the year, average (28 degrees). Clear defined seasons of wet and dry weather. Rainfall is convectional with heavy downpours.

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Soil - Poor quality as it is at low temperatures for a long period of time. Organic matter cannot decompose due to cold which restricts amount of nutrients returning to the soil.

Vegetation - Primarily evergreen trees due to cold.

Climate - Average temp in summer = 10 degrees for 4 months. Winter temp can be -50 degrees. Extremely light rainfall

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Tropical rainforest

Soil - Rich in iron. Surprisingly infertile as nutrients are washed out by heavy rain

Vegetation - Grows in distinct layers and has adapted to climate/ poor soil e.g. emergent, drip tips, buttress roots etc

Climate - Average daily temperature = 28 degrees. Never goes below 20 and rarely above 35. At least 2000mm of rainfall per year. Humid with no defined seasons.

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Soil - Rocky, sandy and grey in colour. Thin with a crust from lack of rainfall. Salts on surface from evaporation.

Vegetation - Adapted to harsh climate. Plants have glossy, waxy leaves to reduce water loss and long roots to reach ground water.

Climate - Day temperature can be 40 degrees in summer but cold nights. Little rain = less than 250mm a year. 2 seasons.

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Soil - poor nutrients. Under layer of soil called permafrost which remains completely frozen at all times. 

Vegetation - known for lack of trees

Climate - Temp stays below 0 degrees most of the year. Ground remains frozen for most of the year. Winds are strong. Very little rain, mostly snow. Summer = continous hours of sunlight.   Winter = continuous hours of darkness

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