Biology Unit 3

A random question and answer from each chapter in Unit 3


Active Transport

Why is active transport so important in marine animals and reptiles?

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Marine animals take in alot of the sea water in when they drink. Their kidneys cannot deal with the amount and so sodium ions are moved out of the body into special salt glands through active transport.

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Exchange of gases in the lungs

What happens to your ribs and diaphragm when you breathe in?

3 of 40

Your ribs move up and your diaphragm flattens from its normal domed shape.

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Exchange in the gut

What adaptions are seen in order for diffusion to take place?

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  • A large surface area
  • A rich blood supply
  • Moist surfaces
  • A short distance between the two areas.
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Exchange of materials in other orgainisms

How are insects adapted in getting the oxygen they need?

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Insects have spiracles along their sides which open when the insect need plenty of oxygen and closes when they don't.

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Exchange in plants

What is the purpose of the stomata?

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The stomata can be opened when the the plant need to allow air into the leafs. But they can be closed the rest of the time to prevent water loose. This is controlled by the guard cells.

10 of 40

Complete the sentence: 

The constant movement of water molecules through the xylem from the roots to the leaves is known as ......

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12 of 40

The circulatory system

Which Blood vessel

a) Carries blood away from your heart to the organs in your body?

b) Carries blood towards your heart

c) Are narrow with very thin walls

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a) Artery

b) Vein

c) Capillary

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Transport in the blood

Which blood cell carries the waste products Carbon dioxide and Urea

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The effect of Exercise on the body

How are muscle fibres adapted 

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They contain many mitochondria they need to supply the energy they need from aerobic respiration.

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Anaerobic respiration

Why is anaerobic respiration not as efficient as aerobic respiration?

19 of 40

In anaerobic respiration the glucose molecules are not completely broken down

20 of 40

The human kidney

What does a healthy kidney produce urine?

21 of 40

Filtering the blood,

reabsorbing all the sugar,

reabsorbing the dissolved ion needed by the body,

reabsorbing as much water as the body needs,

releasing urea, excess ions and water as urine

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What are the disadvantages of using dialysis?

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  • You have to follow a special diet
  • You have to go into hospital, regularly to spend long sessions being connected to a dialysis machine
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Kidney translants

What is the name of the drug that you have to take if you have had a kidney transplant and why?

25 of 40

Immunosuppressant drugs and they are too prevent rejection

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Growing microbes

What do microbes need to grow

27 of 40

An energy source



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Food production using yeast

What is the anaerobic of yeast called?

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Food production using yeast

What is produced when when bacteria breaks down the lactose in the milk?

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Lactic acid

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Large-scale microbe production

What is the use for the stirrer in a fermenter?

33 of 40

To maintain a an even temperature and makes sure that the oxygen and food are evenly spread out throughout the culture

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Antibiotic production

What does the medium used to make penicillium contain?

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sugar, amino acids, mineral salts and other nutrients

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What are the advantages of a Floating- drum biogas plant?

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  • They are easy to construct
  • They are easy to operate
  • Steady gas pressure produced
  • Reliable
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More biofuels

Which enzyme is used in the production of ethanol

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