Biology GCSE (1)




All cells have 

  • Cell membrane
  • Cytoplasm
  • Nucleus

Plant cells also have - 

  • Cell wall
  • Cell vacuole (In the centre - gwagolyn)
  • Chloroplasts (makes it green!)

Therefor they share

- Cell membrane, nucleus, cyptoplasm.

..and plant cells also have

-vacuole, cell wall, chloroplasts.

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Function of cells`

Cell membrane - a thin covering which surrounds the cell. It controls what goes in and out of the cells.

Cytoplasm - A jelly like fluid that fills the cell. Vital chemical reactions take place here.

Nucleus - The nucleus is the control centre of the cell. It contains chromosomes, which store the instructions for making new cells.

Cell Wall - The cell wall supports a plant cells and gives it a rigid shape.

Vacuole - Large area in the middle of a plant cell filled with cell sap. Plant cell have large vacuoles.

Chloroplast - These green 'blobs' - structures in the cytoplasm are filled with the chemical chlorophyll. They absorb the energy in sunlight that plants use to make food, this is for photosynthesis.

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