Biology 1B - Evolution and enviroment

revising cards

  • Created by: zeshan
  • Created on: 02-03-10 18:37

Biology 1b- Evolution and enviroment

Animal and plant adaptions

  • Colour is used as an adaption for survival in number of ways:camouflage, mimicry and danger colouring
  • Plants need to be able to conserve water...Where it is hot in arid deserts what little rain dose fall drains away quickly. Plants need water for lots of reasons such as photosynthesis to make their food.Catci are adapted to conserve and store water.They have a swollen stem to store water.A thick waxi cuticle (COVER) to reduce water evaporation and shallow roots to absorb water when it rains .....Where it is cold compared with the tropic not many plants live in very cold places.The arctic willow avoids the freezing winds by growing low over the ground- its trunk and branches are never more than a few centimeters of off the ground. The dark arctic soil is warmed by the sun.So the willow can absorb warmth from the ground
  • Animal such as a *** camels, caribou and foxes have had to adapt to a variety or extreme environments.A camel is adapted by having no insulating fat under the skin,can drink 20 liters or water in a few minutes,they produce very little urine.fat stored in the hump which can be turned into metabolic water. In the caribous habitat winter temperatures can drop below -50c, even summer temperatures hover around 0c. Caribous spend time standing in deep snow, yet their legs don't freeze off . This is because they have a heat change system in their legs.The arteries and veins in their legs are close together.Warm blood flowing from their heart heats up the cold blood returning returning from their legs. this is a good adaption to life in such a cold place.
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