Biology Year 9


Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes

Plant & animal cells > eukaryotic cells 

  • cell membrane
  • cytoplasm
  • genetic material enclosed within nucleus

Bacteria cells > prokaryotic cells 

  • much smaller
  • cytoplasm
  • cell mebrane
  • cell wall
  • genetic material not enclosed (single DNA loop with (sometimes) one or more small rings of DNA called plasmids
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Animal & plant cells

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Cell differentiation

Most types of animal cells differentiate at a young age

Mant plant cells can differntiate throughout life

Cell differentation = specialised cell

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Cell specialisation

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Electron microscope:

  • higher magnification & resolving power
  • more expensive
  • allows scientists to study cells in higher detail than light microscope
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Principles of organisation

Cells are basic building blocks 

Tissue > group of cells with simular function

Organs > aggregation of tissues performing specific functions

Organ systems > work to form organisms

Eg. circulatory, nervous, repoductive, digestive

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  • Have an active site specific to one molecule (lock & key)
  • If damaged (pH, temperature) enzyme is denatured

Optimum temp > 37........ Optimum pH varies for each enzyme

Enzymes are catalysts > speed up reaction but remain unchanged

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Enzymes (continued)

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Enzymes (continued)

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Digestive system

Bile > made in liver (stored in gall bladder) alkaline used to neutralise acid from stomach entering small intestine

       > also emulsifies fat to form small droplets (larger surface area) - increases rateit can be broken down at

Stomach contains hydrochloric acid > kills bacteria & correct conditions for stomach enzymes

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Digestive system

Bile > made in liver (stored in gall bladder) alkaline used to neutralise acid from stomach entering small intestine

       > also emulsifies fat to form small droplets (larger surface area) - increases rateit can be broken down at

Stomach contains hydrochloric acid > kills bacteria & correct conditions for stomach enzymes

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Digestive system

Small intestine > food is absorbed into blood stream through villi & micro villi 

Large intestine > excess water is absorbed 

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Digestive system (continued)

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Aerobic respiration

Glucose + oxygen > CO2 + water (+ energy)

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

Respiration supplies energy needed for:

  • chemical reactions to build larger molecules
  • movement
  • keeping warm
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Anaerobic respiration

Happens in muscles, plants & yeast

In yeast > known as fermentation (used for bread making & alcoholic drinks)

glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide (+ energy released)

In muscles > produces less energy than aerobic & causes oxygen debt

glucose → lactic acid (+ energy released)

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During exercise:

  • heart rate increases
  • breathing rate increases
  • breath volume increases

If there is not enough oxygen anaerobic respiration takes place

Oxygen debt > the amount of extra oxygen the body needed after exercise to react with the lactic acid & remove it from the cells

After exercise:

  • blood flowing through muscles transports lactic acid to liver
  • convertes back to glucose
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Sum of all the chemical reactions in a cell or body

Metabolism includes:

  • conversion of glucose to starch, gycogen & cellulose
  • formation of lipid molecules from a molecule of glycerol & three molecules of fatty acids
  • glucose & nitrate ions tp form amino acids which synthesise proteins
  • respiration
  • breakdown of excess proteins to form urea for excretion

Anabolic reaction > makes up eg. phtosynthesis

Catabolic > breaks down eg. digestion

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Oxygen goes throught trachea > bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli

CO2 & oxygen diffuse (high concentration to low concentration) into & out of the alveoli into the blood stream

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