Biology Unit 2

  • Created by: Afsara123
  • Created on: 04-06-17 15:49

Standard deviation and Discontinuous vs Continuous

  • SD- Spread of data around the mean, better than range because range affected by outliers
  • SD of 2 different means overlap = the difference between the 2 means is not signigicant but is due to chance and vice versa
  • What do twin studies test? Influence of genetics + environment on charecteristics
  • Idential twins share? Same alleles and same environment
  • Non identical twins similar? Due to environment. Different? Due to different alleles
  • Discontinuous= characteristics fall into certain groups w no overlap e.g. blood group- determined by genetics ONLY
  • Continuous= characteristics show range e.g. height- determined by genetic and environmental factors
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How does a gene/exon code for a protein?

  • made out of a sequence of bases
  • each 3 bases code for 1 amino acid (triplet code)
  • therefore
  • sequence of bases
  • determines sequence of triplet codes
  • which determine the sequence of AAs
  • = primary structure (folds to secondary, then to tertiary/quaternary) 
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Properties of triplet code?

  • degenerate = each AA has more than one triplet code
  • non-overlapping = each base is read only once
  • stop codes = occur at end of sequence – do not code for an AA
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How does a mutation lead to a non-functional enzym

  • change in base sequence
  • change in sequence of triplet codes
  • change in sequence of AAs
  • change in primary structure
  • change in tertiary structure
  • change in active site shape
  • substrate no longer complementary
  • can no longer form enzyme-substrate complex
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Stages of Cell Cycle?

  • Interphase/Mitosis/Cytokinesis


  • G1: protein synthesis
  • S: dna replication
  • G2: organelle synthesis 


  • Prophase: dna coils to form chromosomes, nucleus breaksdown, spindle fibres form
  • Metaphase: chromosomes line up in middle of cell and attach to spindle fibre via centromere
  • Anaphase: spindle fibres pull, centromere splits, sister chromatids move to opposite sides
  • Telophase: chromatids uncoil, nucleus reforms (left with 2 identical nuclei) 
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Crossing Over and Independent Assortment

What is crossing over?

  • occurs in Prophase I of Meiosis I, homologous pairs of chromosomes wrap around each other and swap equivalent sections of chromatids – produces new combination of alleles

What is independent assortment?

  • in Anaphase I of Meiosis I – the homologous pairs of chromosomes separate, in Anaphase II of Meiosis II – the chromatids separate. Independent assortment produces a mix of alleles

Difference between Metaphase I and Metaphase II?

  • Metaphase I = homologous pairs line up in centre of cell (23 pairs), Metaphase II = single chromosomes line up in middle of cell (23 chromosomes at this stage)
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Describe Semi-Conservative Replication?

Produces 2 identical copies of the DNA – each has half the old strand and half the new strand. Process: 

  • DNA Helicase breaks hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases
  • Double strand separates, leaves 2 template stands
  • Free complementary nucleotides bind (A to T, C to G)
  • DNA Polymerase joins the sugar-phosphate backbone of the new strand

Evidence for SCR? 

  • DNA made of 15N (heavy nitrogen) is replicated in an environment of 14N (light nitrogen) – produces DNA molecules with half 15, half 14 – medium density
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What is founder effect? What is genetic bottleneck

What is founder effect

  • Small group from the main population becomes isolated
  • Small number of individuals = low variety of alleles = low genetic diversity, if this group interbreeds and repopulates
  • all the individuals will have alleles from this limited range. if a mutated allele is present, individuals would be more likely to inherit the allele.

What is Genetic bottleneck

  • large reduction in population size due to a natural disaster (or hunting)
  • low number of individuals = low variety of alleles = low genetic diversity
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Role of haemoglobin in oxygen transport?

  • haemoglobin loads oxygen in the lungs
  • due to high partial pressure of oxygen and low partial pressure of carbon dioxide
  • haemoglobin has a high affinity and becomes saturated (full)
  • the haemoglobin is transported in the blood in the red blood cell
  • at the respiring tissues
  • oxygen is unloaded
  • due to low partial pressure of oxygen and high partial pressure of carbon dioxide
  • haemoglobin has low affinity and becomes unsaturated. 
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Affects of high levels of carbon dioxide on affini

  • high partial pressure of carbon dioxide lowers affinity
  • occurs at the site of respiring tissues
  • the carbon dioxide lowers the pH of the blood
  • makes the haemoglobin change shape
  • so oxygen is released
  • this shifts the ODC to the right
  • called the bohr shift
  • Benefit = more oxygen delivered to respiring cells. 
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Benefit of fetal haemoglobin having high affinity?

  • fetal haemoglobin's ODC will be to the left
  • it has high affinity
  • in the placenta
  • there is low partial pressure of oxygen
  • so the oxygen will dissociate from the mother's haemoglobin
  • however the fetal haemoglobin will readily associate with the oxygen at the low partial pressures
  • so it has enough oxygen for its demands. 
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Affinity of small organisms?

  • have a large surface area to volume ratio
  • lose a lot of heat
  • needs to respire to generate heat
  • therefore has a low affinity, curve to the right
  • so unloads enough oxygen for the cells demand of respiration 
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Starch, Glycogen and Cellulose

Properties of Starch and Glycogen as energy stores?

  • Insoluble = do not affect water potential of the cell, do not diffuse out of the cell
  • Coiled/Branched = compact, more can fit into a cell
  • Branched/Chained = glucose removed from the end 

Structure of Cellulose?

  • Beta glucose arranged in a straight chain (each alternative beta glucose is rotated 180 degrees) = cellulose straight chain
  • many cellulose chains are cross linked by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils
  • many microfibrils are cross linked to form marcrofibirils (fibres)
  • forms structure of cell wall
  • strong material (prevents plant cell from bursting or shrinking)
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Why do large organisms need specialised exchange a

  • have a small surface area to volume ratio
  • multicellular (high demand and large diffusion distance)
  • impermeable surface (prevent pathogens entering and reduce water loss) 
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Adaptation of the gills in fish?

  • many gill filaments and gill lamellae = large surface area
  • gill lamellae have a thin wall (short diffusion distance) and are permeable
  • ventilation brings in pure water (high oxygen, low carbon dioxide)
  • and circulation brings in deoxygenated blood (low oxygen, high carbon dioxide)
  • the water and blood pass over in opposite directions (countercurrent flow), maintains concentration gradient 
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Adaptation of palisade cells for photosynthesis?

  • located near top of leaf, closer to light
  • large size, large surface area for light
  • thin cell wall, short diffusion distance for carbon dioxide
  • contains many chloroplasts, site of photosynthesis
  • large vacuole, pushes chloroplast to the edge of the cell closer to light 
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Structure of chloroplast?

  • double membrane
  • contains discs called thylakoids
  • thylakoids contain chlorophyll
  • stack of thylakoids called granum
  • thylakoids surrounded by a fluid called stroma 
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Blood flow in humans

Why is the transport system in mammals called a double circulatory system?

  • The heart pumps twice, the blood goes thru the heart twice – generates enough pressure to supply all body cells 

Why is the transport system in mammals called a closed circulatory system?

  • Blood is transported in blood vessels – helps to maintain pressure and redirect blood flow 

Role of Hepatic Artery, Hepatic Vein, Hepatic Portal Vein?

  • hepatic artery = takes oxygenated blood to the liver
  • hepatic vein = takes deoxygenated blood from the liver back to the heart
  • hepatic portal vein = takes deoxygenated blood from the digestive system to the liver to be filtered
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Structure of arteries?

  • narrow lumen = maintains pressure
  • lining made of squamous epithelial cells = smooth lining
  • thick wall = withstand pressure
  • elastic tissue in wall = ventricle contract
  • elastic tissue stretches to withstand pressure, ventricle relax
  • elastic tissue recoils to maintain pressure and smooth out flow
  • smooth muscle in wall = smooth muscle contracts- lumen narrows and arteriole constricts,
  • smooth muscle relaxes – lumen widens and arteriole dilates
  • collagen in wall – prevents artery from tearing
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Veins And Capillaries


  • wide lumen = ease of blood flow
  • lining made of squamous epithelial cells = smooth lining
  • thin wall = vein can be squashed by skeletal muscle pushing blood back to the heart
  • valve in lumen = prevents backflow of blood 


  • many small capillaries = large surface area
  • thin wall, one cell thick, squamous epithelial cells = short diffusion distance
  • pores between cells = allows fluid to move in and out
  • narrow lumen = increase diffusion time and decrease diffusion distance 
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How is tissue fluid formed and returned to circula

  • at the arterial end of the capillary there is a build up hydrostatic pressure  
  • this pushes fluid out of the capillary thru the pores
  • the fluid surrounds the cells, this is called tissue fluid
  • at the venous end of the capillary the fluid moves back in by osmosis
  • the capillary has low water potential due to the presence of proteins (too large to move out of capillaries)
  • any excess tissue fluid is picked up by the lymph system and deposited in the vena cava

Why does high blood pressure cause accumulation of tissue fluid?

  • increases hydrostatic pressure, so more tissue fluid is formed – not as much can be returned to the circulatory system

Why does diet low in protein cause accumulation of tissue fluid?

  • the water potential in the capillary is not as low as normal, so not as much fluid can move back into the capillary by osmosis

Why is there a large decrease in pressure in the arterioles? increase in total cross-sectional area 

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How is water absorbed at the roots? What is root p

  • mineral ions are actively transported from the soil into the roots
  • from the soil into root hair cells into cortex cells into endodermis cells into the xylem
  • this lowers water potential
  • so water follows by osmosis
  • water can move by symplast or apoplast
  • symplast is when the water moves directly thru the cells, passing thru the cell membrane
  • apoplast is when the water moves between the cells or in the cell wall
  • apoplast continues until the endodermis cells
  • these cells have a casparin ***** around them (a waterproof, impermeable barrier)
  • so water enters the cell by symplast and then the xylem

What is root pressure?

  • when the water is absorbed by the root and enters the xylem – this applies hydrostatic pressure to the column of water in the xylem, pushing the water up slightly 
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How does water move up the xylem?

  • loss of water at the leaves (transpiration)
  • water moves from the top of the xylem into the leaf by osmosis (transpirational pull)
  • this applies TENSION to the column of water in the xylem
  • the column of water moves up as one as the water particles stick together, COHESION
  • this is is the cohesion-tension theory
  • it is supported by adhesion and root pressure − (adhesion = water particles stick to lignin in wall of xylem)
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Why does the diameter of a tree decrease during th

  • more light and higher temperature
  • increase rate of transpiration
  • increase transpirational pull
  • water pulled up xylem by cohesion-tension
  • because the water particles stick to the wall of the xylem (adhesion)
  • the walls of the xylem are pulled inwards
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What is transpiration? loss of water vapour from the leaf via the stomata

Factors that increase rate of transpiration?

  • light = more light, more stomata open, increase surface area for transpiration
  • temperature = more temperature, more evaporation (increase concentration of water vapour), higher kinetic energy, less water vapour in the surrounding air
  • wind = more wind, maintains concentration gradient
  • humidity = less humidity, less water vapour in the surrounding air 
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How to set up a potometer?

  • choose healthy leaf and shoot
  • cut shoot underwater and connect to potometer underwater (maintains continuous column and prevents air entering/blocking xylem)
  • ensure potometer is air tight and water tight

How to measure rate of transpiration?

  • measure distance bubble moves in a certain time, measure cross-sectional area of tube for answer in volume

What does a potometer actually measure?

  • measures rate of water uptake (due to: transpiration, photosynthesis, making cells turgid)
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What is a xerophyte?

  • A plant adapted to reduce water loss (reduce transpiration)

Adaptations of Xerophyte?

  • spiky, needle like leaves = reduced surface area
  • thick waxy cuticle = waterproof, impermeable barrier
  • densely packed spongy mesophyll = less air spaces, less water vapour build up
  • sunken stomata/hairy leaves/rolled up leaves = traps moist layer of air, reduces concentration gradient 
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DNA Hybridisation

Comparing dna base sequence

  • take dna from 2 species to be compared
  • radioactively label one of the dna
  • heat both sets so double strand separates
  • cool so double strands can reform look for hybrid dna (half one species, half other species)
  • identify hybrid dna by 50% radioactivity
  • heat hybrid dna to measure similarity
  • results = higher temperature required
  • more hydrogen bonds present
  • more complementary base pairing
  • more similar the base sequence
  • more similar the species
  • more closely related
  • more recent a common ancestor
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AA Sequence

Compare for the same protein (e.g. haemoglobin)

  • results = more similar the AA sequence
  • more similar the species
  • more closely related
  • more recent a common ancestor
  • (comparing dna sequence better then comparing aa sequence: dna contains INTRONS and triplet code is DEGENERATE)
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Protein Shape

Compare shape of the same protein (e.g. albumin) using immunological technique

  • comparing species A and species B
  • take albumin from species A
  • place in a rabbit
  • rabbit will make antibodies against albumin of species A
  • takes these antibodies and place in species B
  • if the albumin in species B has a similar shape to species A – the antibodies will bind to form antigen-antibody complexes – this will then form a precipitate
  • results = more precipitate
  • more complexes
  • more similar shape
  • more similar the species
  • more closely related
  • more common recent ancestor
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Benefits of courtship behaviour?

  • identify same species
  • identify opposite gender
  • identify when individual is ready for mating
  • form a pair bond 
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5 ways an antibiotic can destroy a bacteria?

  • prevent cell wall from forming, water enters bacteria by osmosis
  • it swells and bursts (osmotic lysis)
  •  increase membrane permeability
  •  inhibit dna replication
  • inhibit protein synthesis
  • inhibit respiration
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How a population of bacteria may become resistant

  • variation in the population
  • some of the bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic
  • have an antibiotic resistant gene (carried on plasmid, appeared by random mutation)
  • if antibiotic is used
  • the ones with the resistant gene will survive and the others will dies out (selection)
  • the resistant ones that survive will pass on their resistant gene by vertical gene transmission (asexual reproduction) and horizontal gene transmission (conjugation)
  • if this occurs for many generations, then most of the bacteria will be resistant to the antibiotic (adaptation) 
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Species Diversity

What is species diversity?

  • number of different species and the number of individuals for each species

Benefit of high species diversity?

  • Stable ecosystem – each species is less likely to become extinct and if a species does it will not affect the food chain as there are other species availab
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How does deforestation lower species diversity?

  • reduces variety of plants
  • less habitat 
  • less variety of food sources
  • lowers animal species diversity
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