Biology Test 2 Respiratory System

  • Created by: amymsa
  • Created on: 07-03-17 20:58

Specialised Cells in the Respiratory System

Ciliated Epithelial Cell in upper airways

- Trap dust and bacteria  - Sweep it towards the throat by wafting together

Squamous Epithelial Cell of alveolus wall and capillary wall

- To allow gas exchange

Goblet Cell in upper airways

- To produce and release mucus   - To help lubricate the tissues

White Blood Cell in alveolus                                     

- to find and destroy bacteria  - To fight infection

Red Blood Cell in capillaries

- Collect oxygen in the alveoli and transport it around the body

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Gas Exchange in the alveolus

Image result for gas exchange diagram (

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Breathing In and Out

Breathing In

The intercostal muscles contract to move the ribs upwards and outwards.

The diaphragm contracts and moves down.

The volume inside the chest increases.

This causes air to rush into your lungs and they inflate.

Breathing Out

The intercostal muscles relax to move the ribs downwards and inwards.

The diaphragm relaxes and moves up.

The volume inside the chest decreases.

This causes air to rush out of the lungs and they deflate.

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Digestive System


- Muscles that contract to squeeze food down towards the stomach


- Contains stomach acid to kill bacteria

- Goblet cells release mucus to protect the stomach lining from acid

Small Intestine

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Enzymes 1

What is an enzyme?

A protein produced by living organisms that acts as a biological catalyst to speed up the rate of a reaction.

Examples: protease and amylase

Enzymes remain unchanged after the chemical reaction (so they can be used again)

Lock and Key Hypothesis

- the substrate fits into the active site like a key fitting into a lock (i.e. the shapes are complimentary to one another)

-the enzyme remains unchanged once the substrate is digested.

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Digesting Molecules

Image result for digesting molecules (

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Lock and Key hypothesis diagram

Image result for lock and key hypothesis (

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