Bioligy B1

Flashcards for the Biology B1 topic.

  • Created by: Desetude
  • Created on: 18-04-16 19:15

How many chromosones do humans have?

23 pairs, 46 total.

1 of 22

Name some structural proteins.

  • Skin.
  • Hair.
  • Blood.
  • Cytoplasm in our cells.
2 of 22

What's the genotype?

The actual gene (e.g. Aa).

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What's the phenotype?

The characteristic the gene creates (e.g. blue eyes).

4 of 22

Why do children not look like their parents?

Because they will have a combination of both their parents genes and therefore a combination of their characteristics.

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What are alleles?

Different versions of the same gene (e.g. A or a).

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What are the male sex chromosomes?


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What are the female sex chromosomes?


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What are homozygous alleles?

Two alleles which are the same (e.g. AA).

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What are heterozegous alleles?

Two alleles which are different (e.g. Aa).

10 of 22

Which characteristic will be shown if there are on

Dominant allele's characteristic.

11 of 22

Which characteristic will be shown if there are tw

Recessive allele's characteristic.

12 of 22

How many chromosomes do sex cells contain?

23 single chromosones, one from each human pair.

13 of 22

What is a false positive?

When something is negative/false but thought to be positive/true.

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What is a false negative?

When something is positive/true but thought to be negative/false.

15 of 22

What is asexual repdoduction?

Non-sexual reproduction.

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What does reproducing asexually create?


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How does bacteria reproduce asexually?

It divides into two parts.

18 of 22

Name a plant that can asexually reproduce.

A strawberry plant.

19 of 22

Out of Huntington's disease and Cystic Fibrosis, w

Cystic Fibrosis.

20 of 22

What are the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis?

  • Thick sticky mucus in air passages, gut and pancreas.
  • Breathing difficulty.
  • Chest infections.
  • Difficulty in digesting food.
21 of 22

What are the symptoms of Huntington's disease?

  • Memory loss.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Mood swings.
  • Lack of concentration.
22 of 22


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