Bio Option D4: The Heart


Cardiac Muscle Cells

Actin and Myosin proteins in Sacromeres, similar.

Contains sarcomeres, remain single cell, joined by intercalated discs. 

Disc-shaped areas: gap junctions, allow quick passage of electrical signals.

Intercalated discs from fibrous units, branch repeatedly. 

Dense muscle tissue, large mitochondria.

Highly vascular.

Needs to work as units.

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Cardiac Cycle

The events happening from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next.

Heart rate = frequency of cardiac cycle (beats/min)

Systole= Chamber contraction, after recieving electrical signal.

Diastole= relaxation of the heart.

Atria contract, ventricles contract together after atrial systole.

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Heart valves

Keeps blood moving in same direction. (No backflow)

Atrioventricular and Semilunar valves. "Lub Dub" sound

No vavles where blood enters the atria.

Internal, passive flap valves: Vena Cava & Pulmonary Veins.

Atrial Systole, less pressure.

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Myogenic Control of heart rate.

controls frequency and internal timing of cardiac cycle.

SA- Node= Pacemaker.

Action potential from SA- node results in atrial systole, signal reaches AV- node.

AV sends out action potential, conducting fibres in septum & up on sides of the ventricles out to Purkinje fibres, causing contraction of ventricles.

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Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Graph plotted.  Electrical activity from SA and AV nodes, plotted on X & Y axis.

P wave: voltage give off by SA- node, atrial systole.

Point Q: when AV - node sends impulse.

QRS complex: impulse from AV node  spreas down conducting fibres, out to the Purkinje Fibres.

T wave: repolariziing of AV node.

SA node repolarization hidden behind QRS complex. Delay btw SA & AV node firing.

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Blood pressure reading

Systolic/ Diastolic. 

Systolic pressure: in arteries when heartbeats ( heart muscle contraction) 

Diastolic pressure: in arteries, heart muscle rests and refilling blood.

Normal. Less than 120/ less than 80.

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Artificial Pacemaker.

Slow, fast, irregular heart rates, and other problems.

Battery- operated devices implanted under skin, upper chest.

Small electric shocks , regular intervals, triggers a cardiac cycle.

Battery life, 7 years.

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Defibrillation devices

Cardiac arrest = heart has stopped

Arrhytmnia= Heart not in sequence with the normal set of electrical impulses.

Device used to deliver electric shock to the heart.

- resets electrical signals, starting with SA- node.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED) portable defibrilators. 

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Condition where clot (thrombos) forms within blood vessels.

Deep vein thrombosis. (DVT) in one of larger veins, usually leg- sitting a long time in plane or car.

All portion can break loose, travel to smaller vein, block it.

Treated with, anticoagulants.

Coronary Thrombosis= Plaque in coronary artery or arteries. 

. If thrombus detaches and lodges in the reduced lumen -------- > Myocardial infarction (heart attack)

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Excessively high blood pressure.

Develops over years. Need to monitor over time, to know what's higher than normal.

Narrower arteries, more pressure, higher blood pressure. 

Loss of elasticity & plaque,  builds up primary contributors to hypertension.

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Risk factors, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Slow plaque build up- Up in arteries & corresponding problems that can result.

Two factors, determine plaque build up.

Avoidable factors: overweight, sedentary (stillasittande), lifestyle, smoking, stress. etc.

Unavoidable factors: genetics.

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Risk factors, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Slow plaque build up- Up in arteries & corresponding problems that can result.

Two factors, determine plaque build up.

Avoidable factors: overweight, sedentary (stillasittande), lifestyle, smoking, stress. etc.

Unavoidable factors: genetics.

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Risk factors, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Slow plaque build up- Up in arteries & corresponding problems that can result.

Two factors, determine plaque build up.

Avoidable factors: overweight, sedentary (stillasittande), lifestyle, smoking, stress. etc.

Unavoidable factors: genetics.

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Risk factors, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Slow plaque build up- Up in arteries & corresponding problems that can result.

Two factors, determine plaque build up.

Avoidable factors: overweight, sedentary (stillasittande), lifestyle, smoking, stress. etc.

Unavoidable factors: genetics.

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Risk factors, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Slow plaque build up- Up in arteries & corresponding problems that can result.

Two factors, determine plaque build up.

Avoidable factors: overweight, sedentary (stillasittande), lifestyle, smoking, stress. etc.

Unavoidable factors: genetics.

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Risk factors, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Slow plaque build up- Up in arteries & corresponding problems that can result.

Two factors, determine plaque build up.

Avoidable factors: overweight, sedentary (stillasittande), lifestyle, smoking, stress. etc.

Unavoidable factors: genetics.

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