Bentham's Utilitarianism

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 29-12-13 16:30

Bentham's Utilitarianism

- Believed morality was based on authority of nature and specifically on the belief that one moral good equals pleasures, and one evil equals pain: HAPPINESS = PLEASURE MINUS PAIN

- Hedonic Calculus: (7 critetia - Bentham's way of meauring the good and bad effects of an action)
Purity (not followed by pain)
Remoteness (how near/far the pleasure is)
Intensity (how deep the pleasure is)
Certainty (how certain/uncertain the pleasure is)
Extent (how universal the pleasure is)
Duration (how long it will last)
Fecundity (chances of producing more pleasure

- Bentham's utilitarianism is quanititive. This means that something can be measured. For example, the Hedonic Calculus is quanititive as it measures how much pleasure is gained from an action.

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