Believing in God

  • Religous experiences
  • Miracles
  • The desgin argument
  • The causation argument
  • Unasnwered prayers
  • evil and suffering

Religous experiences

  • This means when somebody beleives that they have had communication with God.
  • Numinous- the feeling you get when you enter a religous building or see something beautiful which makes you associte with God due to the sense of awe and woder, plus it can make them feel as if God is real. An exmaple of this is Fr Yves Dubois whilst praying in front of a staute of our lady.
  • Conversion - the feeling that there is something within you wanting to change your life and becoming closer to God. people feel that they are being called for a particular person by God. An example of this is that Raymond Nader was a christian commander fighting in the middle east and prayed to a saint were he felt great pain and decided to change his life for the better. He now works on a Christian Tv program that tries to resolve the problems in the middle east but through words instead of violence.
  • Miracle - an event which seems to break the law of sceince which can only be caused by god. Shows that God has really acted on earth. An example of this is by the St Bernadette story in Lourdes.
  • Prayer - communication with God, prayer is part of the search for God and comes direct from the heart of a beleiver and will be answered if this occurs. This is the biggest religous experience if the prayer is answered, it is a sense of calmenss and closeness to God during prayer.
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  • Why?
  • beleive God is omnipotent and therefore is able to peerform miracles.
  • the bible contain evidence, so we should read the bible because.....
  • Jesus' resurrection is considered to be the greatest miracle.
  • FOR
  • they will always convince people who see them
  • Signs from God to help people beleive in him
  • help people get through hard and diffucult times
    Need eyewitnesses to verify
  • Subjective expereinces and are open to interpretation
  • God would not want to save some but all
  • It can be explained by sceince in one way or another
  • it could be a trick
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the design argument

  • If you found a watch, you would realise the intricate design behind that watch and that someone must have created it, with a purpose of telling the time
  • The world is far more intricate than a watch such as ecosystems, and human DNA must hve been designed
  • Only a supernatural, powerful eing could have designed something so great and so complex, therfore it must have been designed by God and he must exist.
  • The universe works according to laws, such as gravity, electricity, magnetisicm and motion, this will involve complex things
  • DNA a nucleic acid it seems to have some sort of plan due to to  the intricate detail of the Dna and the template.
  • Evolution - this complax things must have evolved form simple things, this indicates a plan or desing
  • Beauty of Nature- apeelas to human's sense of beauty. Apears to come out of design as it cant just happen by chance.
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May lead to or support in God ( design argument)

  • Things that are designed need a designer.
  • The world contains evidence of design, the laws of scince, Dna, evolution, all these things rewuire some sort of design in them becuse they are so complex
  • Has to be greater than the thing it designs, the world is so great and com;ex, the only designer can be god who is omnipotent and omniscient.
  • Does not appear to be a reason for beauty in the world but there is as the designer must want the humans to enjoy it.
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The desing argument may lead to atheism or agnosti

  • We know that humans must have  adesigner but this may not mean that natural things do not have to have a designer
  • All the evidence in the world is explained through science only so we do not have to refer back to god for it.
  • it only needs to have a designer and this may not be a Christian God, it could be many designers, or trainee designers
  • the whole woorld is not designed as of the bad parts, i.e. natural disasters.
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The causation argument

  • 1. Everything has a cause
  • 2. Nothing can cause itself
  • 3. therefore everything is caused by something
  • 4. An ifinite regress f causes is impossible, therfore something must have started everything
  • 5. there must be an uncaused cause- eternal and has no cause
  • 6. This is God
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Evidence in the world for causation

  • Cause and effect seem to be a basic feature of the orld, whatever we do has an effect
  • An event will have multiple effects
  • Modern science tries look for a single cause, we reduce all the variables
  • Sicence seems to show that when invesitigated fully any effect has a cause.
    It is impossible for things tpo cause their own existence.
  • Cause and efffect is a basic feature in the world- the world must have a cause
  • An infinite chain of causes is impossible therfore there must have only one effect
  • If the universe has a cuase, this must have a greater cause tham the iniverse- since God is omnipotent, omnisicent, eternal and transcendant, he must be the first cause
  • It only proves that theer is a cause of the universe and that it may not be God
  • it is logical to beleive but it doesn't actually prove that God exists
  • Why cant there be an infinite number of causes
  • If God can be uncaused then why can't the unvierse
  • If everything needs a cause then why cant there be a cause.
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this is great I love the way you have set it all in different sections and put down the main points- so much easier to remember thank you so much :)

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