Beliefs and sources of authority

  • Created by: Holly45
  • Created on: 20-04-15 18:47

The bible

  • made up of two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament
  • the New Testament is based on the life and teachings of Jesus and the apostles
  • it contains 4 gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
  • letters from St. Paul
  • believe the bible is the word of God
  • the message comes from God though the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Christians believe the bible come directly from God
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  • takes every word of the bible as true
  • advantages of this approach is that no one can argue about what the bible means
  • disadvantages is if you take the bible literally there are some parts that come into conflict with science
  • people believe the 6 day creation story to be true
  • comes into conflict with the theory of evolution and doesn't agree with science
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  • believe you should not question the bible as it comes from God
  • if an idea is not in the bible then it is not true
  • there should be no arguments over what the bible means
  • some areas of the bible come into conflict, there is no compromise
  • believe in the 6 day creation and try to reject the Big Bang theory
  • some try to adapt the meaning so it fits into science eg. A day doesn't mean 24 hours
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  • looks at the message from the bible passages as being true
  • messages from the bible are most important
  • Christians can take the meaning of the bible to be true but don't have to believe things happen excactly as it says
  • there can be disagreements about what part is true and which is not
  • they believe the 6 day creation story has an important meaning but not that it happened in that way
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Apostles creed

  • a statement of belief
  • the word creed means 'I believe'
  • lays out the main beliefs of the Christian faith
  • "I believe in God the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth"
  • "Jesus Christ his only son"
  • "born of the Virgin Mary"
  • "he decended into hell"
  • "on the third day he rose again from the dead"
  • "ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the father almighty"
  • "will come to judge the living and the dead"
  • "I believe in the Holy Spirit"
  • "the communion of saints"
  • "the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting"
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The trinity

  • three natures of God:
    1. God the father
    2. God the son
    3. God the Holy Spirit
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What the creed teaches about God and Jesus

INCARNATION: Jesus has a human mother and his father is God. He was born of a virgin and Mary was told by the angel Gabriel
CRUCIFIXION: Jesus suffered death and that shows Jesus' human side
RESURRECTION: shows Jesus' victory over sin and shows him to be the son of God.
ASCENSION: 40 days after his resurrection Jesus went up knot heaven body and soul. Tells us that Jesus will come down from heaven on the last day.

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Other Christian teachings on the creed

I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT: it's the power of God and Christians have let this power in their lives. It works through the sacraments.
THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Catholic means universal. Christians should see themselves as part of a world wide community.
THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS: includes Christians alive or dead. Christians should recognise help through prayer.
FORGIVENESS OF SINS: Christians should ask for forgiveness when they sin. They should forgive others and win separates them from God.
RESURRECTION OF THE BODY AND EVERLASTING LIFE: Christians believe that there is life after death and they will be judged when they die on his they live their life.

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Church as the body of Christ

  • all Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God
  • some christians disagree on other things and that has led to different groups of Christians
  • these different groups are referred to as denominations
  • some Christians protested about the way the pope in Rome was leading the church and formed their own.
  • we have lots of denominations today
  • Protestants are called that because they protested to the church of England, Methodists, baptists, United reformed church, Salvation Army and Quakers.
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St Peter

  • he was the first apostle
  • his name was Simon until Jesus changed it to Peter because it means 'rock'
  • Peter is the foundation of the church
  • he hold the keys to heaven
  • was the first disciple to call Jesus the son of God
  • "You are the Christ, son of the living God"
  • Peter denied knowing Jesus three times which shows weakness as a character
  • after Jesus' resurrection he asked Peter to look after his followers which shows Jesus' trust in Peter
  • Peter was the leader of the early church and is regarded as the first Pope
  • all other popes are defended from him (Apostolic succession)
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The pope

  • is the head of the church
  • when the pope dies all of the cardinals gather together and are locked away until they appoint a new Pope
  • Christians believe that the pope is:
  • INFALIABLE (means the pope cannot say anything wrong when he speaks Ex Cathedra)
  • EX CATHEDRA (means on the throne. When the pope makes an official statement it is true and right. He cannot be wrong)
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The magisterium

  • teaching of authority in the church
  • the Pope and the Bishop make up the magisterium
  • the Pope is the head
  • the bible is one source of authority
  • some of the bibles teachings are hard to apply to modern times
  • the church needs the magisterium to help them apply the bibles teachings to modern day
  • Catholics need the magisterium to interpret the bible in light of issues such as IVF
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  • in charge of the diocese
  • may send out letters to the parishes in his diocese to help teach and guide them
  • they help the pope becuase they advise him on the local issues
  • they're seen as the head of the local church
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