Banquo's innocence

  • Created by: l_swaby4
  • Created on: 03-02-19 12:14

Meet the witches - Act 1, Scene 3

' and seem to fear things that do sound so fair '

' are ye fantastical or that indeed '

' You shall be king ' 

' To th'self same tune and words '

' What, can the devil speak true? '

' Do you not hope your children shall become king '

' That, trust home, might yet enkindle you unto the crown '

' honest trifels'                                                                     ' To betrays in deepest consequence'

' Look how our partners rapt '

' Worthy Macbeth '

' Very gladly '

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Banquo's soliliquy - Act 3, Scene 1

' Thou play'dst most foully '

' Stand in thy posterity '

' Root and father of many kings '

' If there come truth from them ... thee, macbeth '

' By the verities on the made good '

' May they not be my oracles as well '

' But hush! No more '

' Our fears in Banquo stick deep '

' To act in safety '

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Act 1, Scene 3 - The Witches & The Prophecies

' and seem to fear things that do sound so fair '

  • Echo of fair is foul - if Banquo's echoing the withches he knows Macbeth should fear their foulness and that everything is not what it seems
  • He's trying to convince Macbeth the prophecies are good and fortuitous - Banquo pretends to be his good conscience

' Honest trifels' and ' To betrays in deepest consequence'

  • Predicts what the Witches will do later 

' Very gladly'

  • He wants Macbeth to talk more about the prophecies
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Act 1, Scene 3 - Banquo's interlect

' Are ye fantastical, or that indeed '

  • Shows Banquo is wise and that Macbeth is dreamy and impractical

' Honest trifels ' and ' To betrays in deepest consequence'

  • Predicts what the witches will do showing his wiseness

' Look how our partners rapt '

  • He talks about Macbeth daydreaming and looking amazed
  • He's aware how imaginative, naive and ambitious Macbeth is
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Act 1, Scene 3 - Banquo's manipulation

' You shall be king ' and ' To th'self same tune and words '

  • Banquo instantly put the focus on to Macbeth
  • He reminds him of his prophecy and assures him of what he heard
  • This eary assurance leaves Macbeth open to beliving his other thoughts about the witches are true

' That, trust home, Might yet enkindle you unto the crown'

  • He tells Macbeth if you trust them you might become king
  • He uses ambiguous verbs and equivocation - enkindle
  • Banquo is always pushing the idea of more and not letting Macbeth forget as he seem to becoming content with Cawdor
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Act 1, Scene 3 - Banquo's manipulation continued

' Do you not hope your children shall become king '

  • Macbeth asks about Banquo as he knows he's a threat and wants to know where he stands

' Worthy Macbeth'

  • Banquo is congratulating Macbeth and giving him an ego boost just like Lady Macbeth
  • Links to him being called a ' Worthy Gentelmen' 
  • As the Captains speech is full of hyperbole - is Banquo doing this ?

' Very Gladly' 

  • He wants to talk more about the prophecies to indoctrinate Macbeth even more
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Act 3, Scene 1 - Using foul play

' Thou play'dst most foully for't '

  • Questions if Macbeth used foul play to become king
  • Banquo didn't take action against it - Why

' May they not be my oracles as well '

  • He didn't take action like Macduff as he fears his own desires will be realised

' But hush! No more '

  • He cuts himself off - why ?
  • Only a suspicious person would need to stop talking
  • Is he doing it for his mind be he following the same path as Macbeth - foul play
  • Is it so the approaching Macbeth doesn't hear him
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Act 3, Scene 1 - Banquo believes the witches

' Stand in thy posterity ' and ' root and father of many kings '

  • Banquo reminds himself that he was promised the leadership for the many generations after 
  • His greed and ambition are realised by the audience fully as he now becomes morally compromised

' If there come truth from them ... thee, Macbeth '

  • If the withches are telling the truth, it has worked for Macbeth
  • Banquo wonders if it will work for him

' By the verities on the made good '

  • The Witches made accurate predictions
  • He's speculating they might become true for him
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Act 3, Scene 1 - Macbeth's opinions

' Our fears in Banquo stick deep'  and ' Would be feared'

  • Why would Macbeth fear a completely innocent man
  • Macbeth feels vunerable around Banquo

' To act in safety'

  • If Banquo did act on his ambition very carefully and not be caught
  • the verb act suggests pretending and becoming someone else
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Why do these prove his isnt completely innocent ?

innocence -lack of corruption; purity 

  • He is corrupted by his ambition like Macbeth and becomes morally comprimised
  • He is hypocritical of his belief in the witches showing his ambition has overcome him
  • He is more intelligent and practical than Macbeth and abuses this to try and gain an edge
  • He starts to consider foul play like he suspects Macbeth of - What would of happened if he wasn't killed by Macbeth ?
  • Macbeth sees that Banquo isn't without impure thoughts or actions
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