Background - Alternatives to Medical Model


Behaviourist Explanation of Mental Illness

Cause → theories linked to classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theory can explain mental illness.

  • Classical Conditioning - can explain anxiety through links of phobia's
    • the conditiong of the brain, like with phobia's can be linked as similar to the conditioning of the brain with anxiety
  • Operant Conditioning - Some argue mental illness can be explained in terms of rewards
    • Negative reinforcement, through the removal of somethiing unpleasant could ensure the mental illness for long period of time
  • Social Learning Theory - Based on assumptions that poeple will imitate what they observe
    • Argued that behaviour shown in depression can be transmitted to others
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Cognitive Explanation of Mental Illness

Cause → mental illness is due to mental processes and thoughts/faulty processes

  • Beck suggests that there are 3 main dsyfunctional beliefs of those suffering from depression:
    • I am worthless
    • Everything I do will fail
    • The future is hopeless 
  • Depressed people only concencrate on negative information that confirms their negative thoughts (Beck)

Albert Ellis → claims that irrational thoughts could cause mental disorders → people set too high of expectations for themselves, counting towards mental disorders

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Psychodynamic Explanation of Mental Illness

  • Cause → Behaviour is determined by our unconscious = id and superego are constantly conflicting
    • Superego = leads to depression
    • Ego used as a defence mechanism = sign of mental illness
  • Defence mechanism → Denial can block painful truths = resulting in anxiety/depression
    • Repressing memories from disturbing experiences in childhood can lead to unhealthy behaviours
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