B5 Exam Questions

  • Created by: Aleena
  • Created on: 30-03-18 12:51

Suggest how the artic hares evolved to have smalle

Population of species usually show a lot of genetic variation, meaning that there's a large mixture of alleles present. In this case, hares with smaller ears have more suitable characteristics for a cold environment. As a result, small-eared hares are more likely to survive in the cold to successfully reproduce & pass on the alleles that give rise to this advantageous phenotype. This means that a greater proportion of individuals in the next generation will inherit the advantageous phenotype(smaller ears)-overtime,these alleles become more common in the population, due to Natural Selection

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Explain how the evolution of antibiotic resistance

Bacteria develop random genetic mutation- introduces new alleles into population. Some of these alleles can lead to the bacteria becoming less affected by a particular antibiotic, increasing the bacteria's chance of survival when exposed to this antibiotic. So, they live longer & reproduce many more times- leading to the resistnace allele being passed onto offspring & becoming more common in the population, overtime.

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Wallace observed that some species used warning co

Warning Colouration is an example of an advantageous phenotype/adaptation that made the species more likely to survive & reproduce and as a result became more common in the species through Natural Selection.

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Explain how seedbanks can help to preserve biodive

They store seeds of many different plant species, so that if a plant becomes extinct in the wild, the stored seeds could be used to grow new plants-so species don't become extinct & to preserve biodiversity.

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Seedbanks sometimes store seeds of several individ

Seedbanks sometimes store seeds of several individuals of the same species of plant. Suggest how this practice could be beneficial to the preservation of endangered plants in the wild.

This practice preserves some of the genetic variation within species. So, if an endangered species dies out in a habitat; there would be an increased chance the stored seeds of that species producing characteristics that would enable the plant's survival in the changed environment.

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