

homeostasis- B5

What is homeostasis?

hint! equilibrium in the body

what does this control? this may involve chemical or nervous responces

what do receptors do?

hint! detect____(changes in the environment)

The coordination centre consists of...

which 3 things bring out responces which restore optimum levels?

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the human nervous system-B5

what is the human nervous system made of?

what is the structure?

hint! CNS PNS

how does it work?


What is CNS?

hint! coordinates the body's nerve impulses

What is PNS?

hint! sends and recieves nerve impulses

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what are reflexes?

Reflexes are_____, rapid ______, to stimuli that do not involve the ______ part of the brain

what are the three type of neurone in a reflex arc?

-S -R -M

What is the importance of the reflex arc?

give two examples

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Hormones in human reproduction

what is human reproduction?

Males: testes secrete?

Females: ovaries secrete?

hint! O and P

Male characteistics and Female characteristics (what they develop)

hint: males- deeper voices  females-broader hips

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Menstruation cycle

lasts __ days

what four hormones is it contolled by?

-causes egg in the ovaries to mature


-repairs lining of uturus

-maintains uterus lining

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