Augustine's Teachings on human nature basic overview


Introduction and Key sections

Fundamental insights of theology in this module relates to the 'Human condition'. This refers to a large range of ideas, but some key elements includ equestions as to why wer find ourselves unable to be virtuous without falling prey to appetite. Classical christian answer can be found in Augustines Work, and he is vital to understanding this area.

He held 3 primary ideas and teachings as part of this unit.

Human relationships Pre and Post Fall: He interprets Genesis as there being a time of perfection before the fall, and corruption afterwards. Blaming humans for introducing Sin to the world.

Original Sin and Its effects on the will and Human society: AUgustine teaches that Sin is passed on, and it is because of the Fall that we are selfish, lack free will, lack stability and cause the corruption within human society

God's Grace: Augustine's Teachings that only God's grace can truely overcome our evil and rebellious will, and only with it can we achieve the greatest good.

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Key words

Paradise: State of original perfection or final dwelling of the soul of the God

The Fall: Event that brought about sin due to the breaking of Gods Rule to not eat from the tree of knowledge

Original Perfection: State of humanity before the fall, all was complete perfection

Original Sin: Stain on all humanity for the disobedicence, we all harbour Sin

Caritas: Pre-Fall State where the Will could choose generously and is motivated by God

Cupidatas: Post-Fall state of the will where it chooses selfishley and is motivated by Lust

Concupiscence: Lack of mastery over the passions resulting in loss of Gods Grace

Grace: Supernatural gift of God to intellectual creaters for their salvation

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"Who will dliver me from this body of death?" - Romans 7:24

"So God created man in his own image, the image of God he created him; Male and Female he created them" - Genesis 1:27

"But i was mad that i might be whole, and dying that i might have life, knowing what evil thing i was, but not knowing what good thing i was shortly to become" - Augustine. Confessions, Book 8 Chapter 8

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