

Early stages of interactional synchrony

  Meltzoff and Moore

6 babies 12-27 days                                                            : (  problems testing with infants

12 babies 16-21 days                                                                reliabilty- infants constanty moving

Adult displayed one of three expressions

responses filmed and identified by observer                        : ( doesnt tell us purposeof sunchrony

Findings: Baby could imitate all expressions                         : (  internal observer increased

Conclusion-                                                                                                     validity

Ability to imitate serves an important building

for later social + cognitive development

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Multiple Attachments


Studies quality of atachment during infant years                  

compared to adult years

Findings- there were links with mother during adult

years, not with fathers.

Suggests fathers role not as important

Verissimo found realationship with fathers corellated

no. of friends in school

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Stages of attachment


60 babies 31 males 29 female                                               : ) variety of methods

babies and mother visited at home every month for

1st year and at 18 months- self report                                    : ) good external validity

-sepaation anxiety

-stranger anxiety                                                                      : ( sample is biased


25-32 weeks 50% seperation anxiety signs                               : ( limited measures

40 weeks      80% specific attachment

                     30% multiple attachment

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Phenomenon of Imprinting


divided cutch of eggs- half mother, half father                               : ) supporting evidence by lorenze

when put together nad released both groups                                     rubber gloves- chickens

went to respected mothers

Imprinting should take place within window of development.          : ( Lorenze questioned

                                                                                                             L- imprinting permanent

Sexual Imprinting- birs imprinted on human displayed                        G- not permanent

courtship behavior.                                                                            : ( critical period challenged

                                                                                                               Sluckin- 4-5 days

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