

A nucleotide - monomer of nucleic acid 


  • Nitrogenous base= adenosine
  • Pentose Sugar = Ribose
  • Phosphate group= 3 phosphates
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A coenzyme involved in cell reactions 

  • Organic cofactor which helps an enzyme to work
  • Major energy currency for cells - energy is released in a single step in small manageable amounts. Also a small molecule so will diffuse rapidly around the cell. 
  • thrid phosphat group removed by hydrolysis releasing energy and forming ADP
  • Reversible reaction as ADP + Pi = ATP
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Production of ATP

  • Produced on the internal membranes of mitchondria and chloroplasts
  • Synthesis takes place through the enzyme ATP synthetase 
  • This occurs through chemiosmosis= the flow of protons down an electrochemical gradient through ATP syntethase. The synthesis of ATP also takes place by a condensation reaction between ADP and a phosphatte ion.
  • In mitochondria this happens across the inner mebrane from the intermembranse space into the matrix
  • In chloroplasts this occurs as the protons flow across the thylakoid membrane from the thylakoid space into the stroma 
  • To maintain the concentration of protons in the intermembrane space proton pumps are required which are fuelled by the electrons from NADH and FADH. As they become oxidised and lose electrons.
  • Protons then move into the intermembrane space and then move through ATP synthase to get to a lower concentration of protons. This transfer powers ATP synthase so that it can complete the condensation reaction between ADP and Pi to create more ATP
  • 1 glucose molecule produces 38 ATP (glycolysis=2, krebs cycle= 2  Electron transfer chain= 34) 
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