Astronomy (7.16-7.19)

Astronomy (7.16 -7.19)

Life cycle of stars


Evolution of stars with similar mass to our sun(17

  • Starts as nebula → cloud of dust and gases (mainly hydrogen) which can be pulled together by its own gravity. As the cloud contracts , it bcomes denser and hotter and starts to glow. More mass attaches as the gravitational pull gets stronger and heats the material. This is prostar.
  • Temperature and pressure is high enough for nuclear fusion to occur→ forces hydrogen nuclei to fuse together and form helium → star is now in main sequence stage , this is  the stage our sun is currently in.
  • Red giant star→ when most the hydrogen has fused into helium , the core is not strong enough to withstand the gravity and collapses and outer layers expand to form red giant( much larger than original star)
  • White dwarf star → star throws of a shell of gas and the rest of the star is pulled together by gravity and collapses to form white dwarf
  • Black dwarf → fusion reactions no longer occur and it gradually cools over a billion years to become a black dwarf
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Balance of thermal expansion and gravity(17.17)

  • Inside a star → gravitaional attraction pulls mass inwards 

                          → radiation pressure from nuclar fusion expands star outwards

  • A star like our sun is in equillibrium; the gravitaional force is balanced by thermal expansion
  • When all the hydrogen has been fused into helium; the helium nuclei fuses to form a larger nuclei and the star will expand. Thermal expansion is now greater than grvitational attraction.
  • When nuclear reactions are finished the star will contract and the gravitational attraction is now greater than thermal expansion causing the star to become a red giant.
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Stars with greater mass than our sun (7.18)

  • Stars with more mass than the sun are hotter and brighter and fuse hydrogen into helium faster → they become red supergiant stars at the end of main sequence stage.
  • that the end of the red supergant stge they rapidly collapse and explode to form a supernova. The outer layers of the red super giant is cast off.
  • I f what remains is massive enough, gravity pulls it together to create a balck hole.
  • If what remains isn't big enough, gravity pulls it together to form a very small dense star called a neutron star.
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Methods of observing the universe(17.19)

  • telescope invention at the end of 16th century allowed astronomers to see objects in greater the rings of saturn and moons of jupiter
  • orbit of jupiters moons backed up heliocentric model
  • as telescopes improved more discoveries were made .ie dwarf planet asteroids and comets


  • photography allows more detailed analysis and measurments and computer increased speed and detail
  • telescopes in orbit allow unobstructed veiw of galaxies, without pollution dust and clouds.
  • space probes also allow further investigation into space
  • some telescopes are designed to pick up electromagnetic wave emitted of objects in space; sme are also placed in orbit to reduce obstruction.
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