AS Biology - Cell Structure - Cells & Organelles Part 3

These cards contain information taken from the note formation and I've also created a word search containing the key terms from this topic. They can also be cross-referenced with the previous set entitled AS Biology - Cell Structure - Celles and Organelles & AS Biology - Cell Structure - Cells and Organelles Part 2.


Organelles & Functions - Differences


Structure of the cell might affect it's job......
Example: If it's part of an exchange surface it might have organelles that increase surface area - such as microvilli.
If it carries things it might have lost some of its originial organelles to make more room.


The cells job e.g. if it uses a lot of energy it'll need lots of mitochondria. If it makes a lot of proteins it'll need a lot of ribosomes.  

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Organelles & Functions - Differences

Example 1:

  • Epithelial cells in the small intestine are adapted to absorb food efficiently.
  • The walls of the small intestine have finger-like projections called villi to increase surface area.
  • They also have lots of mitochondria to provide energy for the transport of digested food molecules into the cell.

Example 2:

  • Palisade cells are adapted for photosynthesis.
  • Rigid cell walls made of cellulose support and strengthen the cell.
  • Inside the cell is a permanent vacuole containing cell sap - weak solution of sugars and salts.
  • Has chloroplasts - where photosynthesis occurs, containing green substances called chlorophyll.
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