Argue, advise, persuade

How to write to argue, advise, persuade

  • Created by: helen
  • Created on: 02-06-10 10:51



  • make a series of logical points that are easy to follow.
  • aim to include statistics, facts, opinions to back up the point made.
  • can add personal anecdotes to make the reader understand.
  • to add impact to the arguement inclide devices such as rhetorical questions, collective pronouns ('we'), emotive language or humerous language to gage readers attention.
  • include the counter-arguements to gain higher marks as it shows a consideration of alt. points of view.

1. plan 2. order points 3. detailed paragraphs 4. conclude 5. end

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  • could offer further explanation.
  • must show empathy towards reader.
  • need to offer several solutions.
  • direct address.
  • use wide range of vocab, and sentence forms.
  • modal verbs (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must) are useful along with imperatives.
  • can use humour to lighten mood, but not humour that could insult.

1. plan 2. order points 3. detailed paragraphs 4. conclude 5. end

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  • aim is to convince reader.
  • so use interesting vocab choices
  • second person is good for keepin' readers attention.
  • collective pronouns to identify with audience.
  • include techniques like alliteration, tricolons, short sentences for impact, repetition etc.
  • vary sentence length to keep reader interested.
  • (usually in letter form, so with dear sir/madam end with yours faithfully, with dear mr, miss, mrs surname end with yours sincerely)

1. plan 2. order points 3. detailed paragraphs 4. conclude 5. end

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very useful. my exams tmorrow so this was a good summary

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