Are Hume's critiques of the design argument successful?



These are arguments for Design qua Purpose, appearing to arguethat the universe works to some pre-ordained purpose. Humecompares the universe to a machine, and then prefers to compare itwith a vegetable. This suggestion that the Universe's apparent purposeis rather more internal and organic than external and mechanical isbefore its time - Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection isa possible explanation for the apparent design in the world.

Science notes that random events can occur, but that order tends toimpose itself eventually. Hume argues for an early form of the theoryof Natural Selection. Hume notes that animals can adapt to respondto their surroundings – the variety of life on earth may be a result ofthese adaptations, rather than of intelligent design.

Lack of Evidence for a Christian God

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Not Successful

  • Fine tuning in the universe and the existance of the complete set of laws which govern the universe remain inexplicable by reference to some desinger.
  • Belief in total randomless is as hard to accept as belief in God
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