Aquinas' Cosmological Arguments

  • Created by: jaaaz_v
  • Created on: 21-01-16 10:12

Aquinas' Cosmological Argument : CAUSATION

  • The is an order of efficient cause (every event has a cause).
  • Nothing can be the cause of itself.
  • Imagine this order of causation goes back infinetely -> then there would be no first cause.
  • (This is a reductio ad absurdum) Without a first cause there would be no subsequent causes, but this is false.
  • Therefore there must be a cause which is the source of all causes, and this we call God.
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Aquinas' Cosmological Argument : MOTION

  • Things in the world change -> they're in motion.
  • Nothing can move or change itself.
  • Imagine everything was a secondary mover -> in other words that it was being moved by something else.
  • If this is true then there would be no prime mover (unmoved mover), and hense nothing would be in motion. But this is false (reductio ad absurdum).
  • Therefore there must be an unmoved prime mover, whom we call God.
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Aquinas' Cosmological Argument : CONTINGENCY

  • Things in the world are contingent.
  • Imagine everything was contingent, then there would be a time when everything had passed out of existance -> that there was nothing.
  • (Reductio ad absurdum). If this were correct then there would be nothing now, but this is false.
  • Therefore there must be at least one thing that is necessary (not contingent)
  • For everything that is necessary it either has the cause of its necessity in itself or outside itself.
  • Imagine every necessary thing has that cause of its necessity outside of itself.
  • (Reductio ad absurdum) If this were true than there would be no ultimate cause of necessity.
  • Therefore there must exist a necessary being which causes and sustains all other necessary and contingent beings -> this thing we call God.
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