AQA GCSE LIT UNIT2 Poetry: Relationship Cluster

A set of revision cards for Relationships



I - Introduce the theme of the poem and mention the form:'Ghazal' is an ancient poetic form originating from Middle East. Often used to express beauty of love and traditionally meant ot be sung. Here the narrator expresses her desire to be 'pursued' and 'wooed' by the one she loves.

S - Structure. Find a couple of points to make about how the poem is put together. Here, each stanza is a couplet outlining a different image or idea of love. The conditional tense ('If') is used to show how the narrator is considering all the ways to express her love. The plethora of images and ideas makes the pace of the poem fast. Consider the important of rhyme and rhythm. Final word in each couplet is the same, penultimate word in each stanza rhymes.

Language: Select a few language features and show your knowledge of poetic terms. Link to key-word in title. Here, there is language about nature to make the poem seem timeless, suggesting love is permanent. You could quote and analyse the metaphor of 'hawk to my shadow, moth to my flame' and the alliterative 'laurel leaf'

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Ghazal 2: Which poems to compare with

Attitudes and Feelings: What are the main feelings expressed? What is the attitudes of narrator? Here, intense (obsessional?) love, repeating rhymes make it seem playful and joyous.

End with  'My personal response'. Select a quote you like and explain why. Examiners like to think the poem has been enriching for you to read!!

Compare to: "Farmer's Bride', 'Nettles', 'Hour' for theme of nature in poems

OR 'Coy Mistress', 'Hour' for expression of physical desire

OR 'Sonnet 43' for romantic expression of love

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julia collins


Sorry! First one! So end of it is cropped off! Will try again ;-)



Thanks a lot!

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