Anticipation - Motor Control



The preparation before a stimulus is presented, in which you work out how to respond

1. Temporal - predicting when a stimulus will be presented

2. Spatial - predicting what stimulus will be presented

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Factors affecting anticipation

Foreperiod - the time before the presentation of a stimulus

The regularity and duration can both affect the response

If they are always the same duration (regular) it makes it easier to prepare for a response

The speed of the stimulus also affects response - if really short, there is less time to prepare respnse

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Posner (1978)

One must weigh the cost/benefits before anticipating

Anticipating correctly relies on experience ti recognise stimuli/cues that allow performer to process before the event occurs

Anticipating correctly - results in a reduced RT because response selection has already occured

Anticipating incorrectly - results in an increased RT, because response is stopped and a new programme is initiated, this could cause gross errors

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Examples of anticipation in sporting context

Before the gun fires in a sprint

Recieving a ball to strike

Saving a goal

Opposition attacking, and being able to follow

In a 400m relay, waiting for the baton

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