An Inspector Calls Quotes

Key quotes for each character 

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 15-05-13 16:20

Mr Birling

Mr Birling:

·          “Community and all that nonsense”

·          “I speak as a hard headed businessman”

·          “I say there isn’t a chance of War”

·          “Unsinkable…absolutely unsinkable”

·          “A man has to make his own way”

·          “If we don’t come down sharply on these people, they’d soon be asking for the earth”

·          “I can’t accept any responsibility”

·          (rather impatiently, angrily, abruptly, triumphantly)

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Mr Birling

Mr Birling:

·          “Community and all that nonsense”

·          “I speak as a hard headed businessman”

·          “I say there isn’t a chance of War”

·          “Unsinkable…absolutely unsinkable”

·          “A man has to make his own way”

·          “If we don’t come down sharply on these people, they’d soon be asking for the earth”

·          “I can’t accept any responsibility”

·          (rather impatiently, angrily, abruptly, triumphantly)

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Sheila Birling

Sheila Birling:

·          “But these girls aren’t cheap labour – they’re people”

·          “Between us we killed her”

·          “What was she like? Quite young?”

·          “I had her turned out of a job”

·          “You’re pretending everything’s just as it was before.”

·          “Last summer, when you never came near me”

·          (rather wildly, bitterly, with sharp sarcasm, eagerly)

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Eric Birling

Eric Birling:

·          “Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages?”

·          “I was a bit far gone”

·          “You’re not the kind of father a chap would go to when he’s in trouble”

·          “Oh-my God! – how stupid it all is!”

·          “I wasn’t in love with her or anything”

·           “We did her in all right.”

·          (bursting out, guffaws, takes decanter and helps himself, sulkily)

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Mrs Birling

Mrs Birling:

·          “…you’re not the type, you don’t get drunk.”

·          As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money”

·          “She was giving herself ridiculous airs”

·          “Go look for the father of the child. It’s his responsibility”

·          “She only had herself to blame”

·          “If you think you can bring any pressure to bear upon me…you’re quite mistaken”

·          (haughtily, rather grandly, staggered, sharply, a rather cold woman)

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Inspector Goole

Inspector Goole:

·          “We are all members of one body. We are responsible for each other.”

·          “There are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths”

·          “You treated her as if she was an animal, a thing and not a person”

·          “…if men will not learnt that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire, blood and anguish”

·          “I’m waiting…to do my duty”

·          (cutting in, with calm authority, sternly, taking charge, masterfully)

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Gerald Croft

Gerald Croft:

·          “favourite haunt of women of the town”

·          “…because I was sorry for her”

·          “I didn’t feel about her as she did about me”

·          “She was very gallant about it”

·          “I didn’t install her there so that I could make love to her”

·          “My God! Sorry-I-well I’ve suddenly realised…that she’s dead”

·          (hesitatingly, in a low troubled voice, gravely, distressed)

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