Aluminium and Titanium


Aluminium and Titanium

-Aluminium-> light, low density, good conductor of heat and electricity, shapes easily, doesn't corrdoe easily because the aluminium atoms at its surface immediately react with the oxygen in air to form a thin layer of tough aluminium oxide which stops further corrosion taking place 

-Used to make cans, cooking foil, saucepans, high voltage electricity cables, areoplances and space vehicles 

-Titanium->strong, resistant to corrosion, denser than aluminium but less dense than most transistion metals, high melting point

-Titanium is used to make parts of jet engines because it keeps its strenght at high temperatures, and hip replacement 

-Aluminum is extracted using electroylsis 

-Titanium can't be produced by reduction with carbon, because it reacts with carbon making it brittle. So it produced by reduction with a metal like sodium or magnesium 

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