Age Inequality Studies

Revsion cards of studies for age inequality

  • Created by: Josie
  • Created on: 31-05-10 13:28

Areas of Inequality


Featherstone and Hepworth (1999) argue from a postmodern perspective, this is an example of how individual life course are becoming desstructured and fragmented


Milne and Harding (1999) researched the lifestyles of over 1000 older people in UK and found evidence of two world

Vincent (2006) those groups who are materially disadvantaged during thier working lives are unable to buy in the private scheme or to pay as much into them, Older age brings increased deprivation and disadvantage


Carrigan and Szmigin (2000) argue advertising indsutry either ignores older people or stereotypes them as caricatures who are decrepit, withering, physically ugly or losing thier mind

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Socilogical Explanations


Parsons (1954) viewed teenage culture as a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood, transition is security as young people sought to fulfill thier social roles

Eisenstandt (1956) argued that differential age groups enable individuals to learn and acquire new social roles and therefore contribute to social cohesion and solidarity


McKingsley (2001) ageing process can clearly be associated with issues of status and power in the UK, old age can be constructed as triggers for a loss of status


Featherstone and Hepworth (1999) Indivdiual choice and destructuring of society has made age an increasing fragmented and diverse social category

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thanx josie- :D

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