ACC Stave 1 Key Quotes

Hope this helped with the key quotes and analysis; as i couldn't find any with analysis included that really helped i made some myself :)

  • Created by: _Nafeesa_
  • Created on: 17-10-17 17:54

Stave One

'The cold within him froze his old features.'

Early description of Scrooge. Metaphor shows he is rigid in his unfeeling beahviour towards others. Harsh imagery and symbolisim of cold- shows he's lacking Christmas spirit.

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Stave One

'I can't afford to make idle people merry.'

Scrooge's words to the charity collectors as he refuses to give charity. Adjective "idle" reveals Scrooge believes the poor are lazy and to blame for their own situation. Mirrors the Victorian rich's attitude to the poor.

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Stave One

'[He sat] in a dismal little cell.'

Describes Bob Cratchit's (Scrooge's Clerk) workplace then shows Scrooge's harsh treatment of him. Adjective "dismal" connotes a lack of light and hopeless atmosphere. Noun "cell" infers Bob being imprisoned by Scrooge

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Stave One

'It was long and wound about him like a tail'

Marley haunts Scrooge- a description of his cahins. The chains are a metaphor for his punishment for his greedy life. Similie- snake like connotatios, Marley is a symbol of evil, "tail" has connotations of the devil- reinforcing evil image

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Stave One

'I wear the chain I forged in life."

Marley tells Scrooge he is responsible for his punishment he is suffering the consquences for his actions verb "forged" shows skills and effort. Marley spent his whole life's time and effort in his greed so is suffering the consquences

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Stave One

'His eyes sparkled and his breath smoked.'

Describes Fred who is a symbol of Christmas spirit. Imagery of warmth has symbolism of generosity compassion and forgivness. Fred always makes an effort with Scrooge. Verb "sparkled" has a magical and connotations that Fred is the antithesis of Scrooge

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Stave One

'If they would rather die. said Scrooge they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Beside-excuse me- I don't know.'

Suggests Scrooge is callous uncaring and selfish. Context reference to Malthus theory. Dickens uses Scrooge to empahsise the cruelty of Malthus theory

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Stave One

'Are there no prisons?'

Dialogue empahsises Scrooge's unsympathetic beahviour. Shows cruelty through uses of rhetorical question shows that not only does Scrooge disregard the poor but he also wants them sent off.

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