A Thousand Splendid Suns (1 set of 2)

  • Created by: buster124
  • Created on: 19-06-18 13:19

Symbolic importance of the Kolba


. Imprisonment

. Poverty

. Isolation

. Low social class

. Prejudice

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Symbolic importance of The pebbles


. Family- a desire/hope by Mariam to be accepted by Jalil and his family- a want to be legitimate

. Abuse (under Rasheed)- a demonstration of misplaced hope e.g When Rasheed forces Mariam to chew pebbles

. Lonliness

. Hope of acceptance

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Symbolic importance of the Burqa


. The oppression of women- ironic, 'sky blue' of the burqa usually displays freedom

. Patriarchy

. Male domination

. Hypocrisy of certain cultures- burqa meant to be worn for religious reasons

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Symbolic importance of flowers

. A sign of Mariam's possible improvement of life, the 'flower on the windowsill'

. However, just like flowers, Mariam's happiness cannot last through the introduction of Rasheed's extreme abuse as a result of Mariam being unable to have children

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Symbolic importance of the Buddhas of Bamiyan

. Culture, heritage and religion- it was a landmark of significance

. Presented the rich and varied culture of Afghanistan

. The destruction foreshadowed the lack of religious cohesion, cultural diveristy and the cultural desimation of Afghansitan

. Represents education- when Laila, Hakim and Tariq go to visit during childhood

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Allusion to Titanic

. Rebellion- going against the law (TV, art and the cinema was banned during the reign of the Taliban)

. The spirit of the Afghan people- their spirit hasn't been broken.

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Symbolic importance of the ending- Laila's pregnan


. Hope

. The fututre

. Ongoing nature of the Afghan people

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Afghanistan's Political Climate

. Of great importance throughout the novel

. The impact that the changing political landscape has upon the characters in the novel can be traced throughout

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Context- 1964 -1973

(Mariam a child)


. Civil rights and women's rights established.

. Women began to enter the world of work and the government


. Women's rights supported

. Education and creative thinking became more important in Afghanistan- men and women studied together

. The country became more wealthy through funding by the USA and USSR

. Relatively peaceful until 1978 when the leader was murdered and overthrown- marking the first of 3 major political periods that occur throughout the novel

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Context: Communist Afghanistan 1979-1989

. 1978- Communists take over

. Troops from the USSR sent to Afghanistan- now ruled under the Soviets

. Russian teachers and doctors arrive in Afghanistan- women still have access to education and healthcare

. Violence started in rural areas and moved into the cities as the Mujahideen fought against the Soviets (Laila's brothers, Ahmad and Noor part of the Mujahideen)

. The Russians began to withdraw their troops on account of the financial and human expense of their operation- Dr Najibullah the new President

. By 1989, all Russian troops were out of Afghanistan, but the civil war did not end as the Mujahideen continued to Fight Najibullah

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Context: Life in Kabul under the Soviets

. Like Hakim, many educated men in Afghanistan forced to give up their jobs and undertake manual labour

. Ahmad and Noor join the Afghan Freedom Fighters. This political group consisted of a number of different factions and their aim was primarily to remove the communist regime from their country. However, much of the fighting at this time takes place in the provinces/rural areas and Hosseini presents a relatively peaceful time in Kabul

. Pro Soviet propaganda taught in schools 'The Soviet Union was the best nation...'

. Rights for women increased e,g Compulsory education for girls, forced marriages abolished, the marriage age was raised to 16

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Hakim's Liberal Views

. " Marriage can wait, education cannot"

. Women are 'probably more free now, under the communists, and have more rights than they've ever had before'

. However, very soon after these statements are uttered in the novel, Hakim and Fariba are given the news that Ahmad and Noor have been killed while fighting the resistance

. Hosseini is demonstrating that complex political situations inevitably lead to very complex experiences for the characters in the text; situations are rarely either beneficial or harmful, in most situations they are an uncomfortable combination of both

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Context: The Mujahideen 1992-1994

. Ahmad Shah Massoud the leader

. Celebrations of the public short lived and civil war errupts between the warring factions within the Mujahideen and a bloody and brutal battle commences

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