

  • Created by: A92
  • Created on: 16-12-14 17:45


What is Headoo?

Headoo is an online Picture Marketing platform designed for brands to engage with its customers through unique interactive experiences. These experiences can take various forms, such as photo contests based on FB likes, or fun filled photo activities. Headoo then works alongside your brand in order to create the desired photo experience to meet your needs, in which exclusive digital content is produced for either your store or upcoming event.

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How does Headoo benefit you?

You are probably thinking that clients can just look at your facebook page for updates –

However, 93% of FB users don't consult a brands facebook page, whereas a post made by an individual is 4 times more viewed than a post from a brand on Facebook.

This is where Headoo can help, as our marketing platform advances a brand’s online position and recognition whilst helping them engage a whole new customer. Essentially, a customer acts as a brand ambassador promoting products to friends and associates etc.

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Headoo conducts its operations using a 6 stage process…

1) Customer photo experience – This stage showcases the product on offer, as a pic is taken with client and product.

2) Image selection – Client selects the photo they like and would want to share

3) Offer them the photo (print, digital, social-tag)

4) Collect any relevant data about your attendees - At this stage there is an opt-in box which asks users for the rights to integrate their image in your communication tools, so you are able to avoid any legal issues.

5) Let them spread the word on social networks – Exposing it to new customers and expanding fan base

6) Measure your ROI and analyse the digital impact of the event (dashboard, number of shared pics, number of likes, comments, displays and also unique views)

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This final step is vital, as a quote from a recent Nielson article states that…

“95% of marketers would increase their digital advertising budgets if they could confirm that their brand advertising has been effective.”

Headoo offers a solution to this common issue, as the company offers brands a platform to find out whether or not their advertising has been effective, and by viewing your ROI, you will be able to plan ahead during any further events.


Overall, it is clear that Headoo can boost the digital impact of your event, and is an entertaining experience for the customer, whilst it also allows brands to increase brand recognition in a low-key fun sort of way.

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