24 Markers

24 mark questions

  • Created by: Jake
  • Created on: 29-04-12 21:10

How successful was Lord Liverpool's government in

Was succesful:

Overall methods succesful = Six Acts

No revolution

Some acts improved economy to ease tension = relaxation of navgiation Acts 

was not succesful:

Too harsh? Peterloo massacre 1819

Liverpool's success did not last long

Radicalism resurfaced = Swing Riots, threat of civil war - Catholic Emancipation

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How successful were the social and economic reform

Were succesful:

Huskission - Trade reforms - Relaxation of Navigation Acts

Peel - Metrapolitan police 1829,  Bank Charter Act 1826 - More investment 

Catholic Emancipation 1928

No revolution 

Not so succesful: 

Combination Laws - limited trade unions

Catholic emancipation - Split Tories

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How far could it be said that the Tories were Libe

were Liberal:

  • Repeal of combination Acts 1824

Pressure from humanitarians:

Peel - Goals Act 1823 - Death penalty abolished 1823 - Metrapolitan police 1829
Huskisson - Free trade - reduced tariffs - reduced cost of living  

Were not Liberal:

  • No parliamentary reform
  • Kept Corn Laws
  • Reforming to survive
  • Catholic Emancipation forced 
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How important was popular discontent in bringing a

Was important:

Bristol riots 1830 - Swing Rios 1831 - Threat of revolution

Aliiance of middle and working class - Birmingham Political Union (BPU) 

Not so important: (Other factors)

  • Lord Liverpools resignation
  • Lord Grey came in (more open to reform)
  • William IV took the throne (more open to reform)
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How important were economic conditions in the rise


  • Economic depression 1838 - 39 (NORMAN GASH)
  • Poor housing and wokring conditions
  • Frustration with Corn Laws
  • Chartism was a political movement to gain better economic conditions 

Not so important (other factors)

  • Dissapointment with the Reform Act 1832
  • Dissapointment with Whig reforms - Poor law amendmant Act 1834
  • Charismatic leaders - Feargus O'Conner + William  Lovett
  • Inspired by uprising in France 
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How far was the failure of Chartism by 1851 due to

Was due to economic reasons:

Chartism peaked in depression of 1839 - 1843

Norman Gash - "Hungry bellies filled the ranks of Charitsts"

Peel's economic reforms and Mid Victorain boom 

Due to other factors:

Divided leadership (Moral or physical force)

Strong Government response (150000 special constables sent to Kennington Common meeting in 1848) 

Lack of middle class support 

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How successful were reforms introduced by Peel's g


Free Trade budget 1842 and 1845

Reintroduction of income tac 1843

The Bank Charter Act 1843

Railway Act 1844

Not so succesful:

Failiure to deal with Irish Famine

Companies Act 1844 (Not apply to all companies)

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How successful was Peel's government in meeting th

Were succesful:

  • Government finances - Deficit to surplus ££££££
  • Economic reforms - e.g. Reintroduction of income tax
  • Combatting Chartism
  • Defeated O'Connels Act of Union 

 Not so succesful:

  • Divisions in Conservative party from 1844
  • Social reforms less succesful
  • Economic difficulties 1845 - 1846
  • The Irish Famine 
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How far was the Mid-Victorian boom due to the repe

Was due to repeal:

  • Cheaper food prices - better living standars
  • Repeal of Corn Laws - Other countries reduced tariffs = better trade
  • Lower costs - First industrial power
  • Boom in farming

Was due to other factors:
Economic downturn 1846-48 - After the repeal of Corn Laws

Other factors:
Gladstone built on Peel's reforms - Cutting taxes - Cobden Treaty 1860
PEACE - Lack of competition from rivals
Growth of railways - 14510 in 1875 

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How important was maintaining the balance of power

Was important:

Congress of Aix La Chapelle 1818:

  • France back into European politics 
  • Lessen Russian influence 

Canning - Treaty of London 1827 - Lessen Russian influence in the East

Canning - Polignac Memorandum - France's assurance wont attack Southerm American Colonies 

Palmerston - Belgian Revolt - Prussia and Russia pressure France into removing their troops from Belgium in 1831 

Not so important (Other motives) BENTNIL:
Castlereagh - State Paper 1820 - Protested against Russian intervention in Piedmont
Trade: Castlereagh + Canning - South America - Palmerston: Opium War
Liberal Movements: Palmerston and Portugal 

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How far was Canning's foreign policy shaped by dif

Was shaped by differant motives:
Castlereagh negotiated peace for France
Canning sent naval force (Portugal)

Castlereagh solve issues through an alliance system + Liked Metternich
Canning despised Metternich and did not believe in the Congress System 

Was shaped by the same motives:

  • Both wanted to curb Russian inlfuence in Europe
  • Both opposed French intervention in Spain
  • Both liked Sothern American Colonies
  • Both cooperate with European powers 
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How successful were British governments in dealing

Were successful:

  • Catholic Emancipation
  • Defeat of O'Connels repeal movement
  • Providing relief by Peel - Repeal of Corn Laws
  • Suppression of Young Ireland 1848

Were not successful:

  • Tithe Issue
  • Impact of the potato famine
  • Fenians in 1845 - Remove British influence by force 
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