2.2 Information Classification


Information classification

Should not generally be available, usually if it could cause harm when released. Example of sensitive information would be medical records.

Example of non-sensitive information would be addresses of shops or the head office

Information about individuals or organisations. Includes phone numbers, addresses, marital status, gender, nationality.

Information about government another publicly owned organisation.

Is private information about individuals, eg. phone number

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Information classification

is information about businesses, eg. annual sales figures

ConfidentialPrivate information that should be kept private. This is a higher degree of the restriction on sensitive information

ClassifiedPublic information that should be kept private, eg. NHS databases

Partially and Completely Anonymised
Information that is completely anonymised has had any information that could link back to the source, removed. Partially anonymised has some information removed.

Impacts on different stakeholdersStakeholders are those who have an interest in a business.

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