1843 - 1882 Medicine


Medicine in the 1800's - (Koch)

  • Born 1843
  • worked on TB and anthrax
  • but he was a doctor with detailed knowlage on the human body something that pasuer lacked as a scientist
  • skilled in his work in experiments and had a natural talent for natural science
  • Diffecult to work with
  • 1878 Koch identified a germ that caused blood poinsoning and he developed techniques for conducting experiments that influenced other scientists but he could not see these germs under a microscope so no one belived him because he couldnt provide evidence
  • After this Koch discovered a methyl violet dye which allowed him to see the germs under a microscope by staining them
  • Also devised a method for proving that germs caused  an infection
  • In 1880 he was awarded the post at the imperial health office in berlin for his works
  • In the IHO he perfected his method for growing live germ cultures
  • 1881 Koch starts work on treatments for TB
  • The TB germ was hader to find because it was much smaller than the anthrax germ. In may 1882 he and his team announced that he had found the germ.
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Medicine in the 1800's - (Pasteur)

  • Convinced that microbes caused disease in humans but his work on cholera failed and he was never able to link one microbe with a disease
  • A french scientist who discovered the fist vaccine (For Rabbies)
  • More famous for his aseptic tecnique and his work on pateurisation
  • Aseptic technique is a process which is most commonly used by scientists and doctors to stop contamination by microorganisms. An example of aseptic technique is sterilisation using alcohol or flames.
  • He proved that microorganisms turned liquids sour.
  • He proved that microorganisms couldn’t grow if the liquids were boiled (this is pasteurisation).
  • He proved that microorganisms did not generate out of thin air but transferred from one medium to another (Otherwise known as spontanious Generation).
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