Shoulder muscles anatomy

A list of shoulder muscles with origin, insertion, functions, pain locations and strength tests:

Back Shoulder Muscles

  • Trapezius elevates and depresses the shoulder and brings together (retracts) the shoulder blades.
  • Deltoid (posterior and middle head) moves the upper arm sideways (abduction), brings it to the body (adduction), extends it backwards and rotates it outwards (external rotation).
  • Subscapularis rotates the upper arm inwards (internal rotation).
  • Supraspinatus moves the upper arm sideways (abduction).
  • Infraspinatus rotates the upper arm outwards (external rotation).
  • Teres minor rotates the upper arm outwards and brings it to the body (abduction).
  • Levator scapulae elevates the shoulder.
  • Teres major extends the upper arm backwards and rotates it inwards (internal rotation).
  • Rhomboid major and minor bring together (retract) the shoulder blades.
  • Serratus anterior moves the shoulder blades apart (protraction).
  • Triceps brachii extends the upper arm backwards and moves it toward the body (adduction).

Front Shoulder Muscles

  • Deltoid (anterior head) flexes the upper arm forwards and rotates it inwards (internal rotation).
  • Pectoralis minor draws the shoulder blade forwards and downward.
  • Coracobrachialis flexes the upper arm forwards.
  • Biceps brachii flexes and supinates the forearm and slightly flexes the upper arm in the shoulder.




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