Cluster 1 - Mind maps for each poem

These are some mind maps I made which cover all of the poems in the anthology's Cluster 2. Each poem has its own mindmap which is split into 5 sections:

 1) The big idea (the intro to your essay)

 2) Its context (para two)

 3) Themes and language devices (para three)

 4) Structure (para four)

 5) Your personal response - the conclusion

In the exam we have to compare 2 poems, so I have planned to structure my essay in 5 paragraghs as above (:

Each paragragh should be like a sandwich with:

Bread: The point you are making (eg what the structure is like, or what the context is)

Filling 1: How this appears in Poem A

Filling 2: How this appears in Poem B

Bread: Your conclusion on this point

My exams start with English in about two weeks and I'm really nervous, so guess others are too. I understand that usually one persons notes may not mean anything to anyone else but I hope this helps some people! (: 

  • Created by: Paige
  • Created on: 03-05-11 15:55
Powerpoint Presentation 222.42 Kb


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